Our words matter as the expressions of the hidden details of how we each have come together and yet also enfolded within those particulars is often the desire to not have what can be found there, at least some of it, even though we wouldn’t be who we are without those very things. Perhaps we feel that way because the light, which seems to easily live elsewhere, appears to be more significant over there than what can be found in our own homes or maybe it’s that in order for things to become different from what already exists, we have to change and that is often a difficult and or painful process that isn’t easily applied. It is also possible, though, that our wish to be seen as a certain type of value has encouraged us to believe that if we have weeds, we are a failure even though those things are the perfect materials that, when applied with safety and fondness, create and nourish the beauty that we are each meant to develop because of them. When I pass this way again, I can see how my administration of the darkness, whether mine or others, supported walking in circles and kept my view on what seemed to be the lush fields that belonged to others. For Ryan, the manner in which he applied the weeds found on his trail meant that he believed in the significance of that darkness as a reflection of who he was and he carried that thought with him wherever he went and as the justification to lie down as well. If you can imagine either place, then you can understand that even if it seems as if we are going somewhere, our view will remain on the same things, seeking them out, and we will continue to find what we always have if the implementation of what we are carrying doesn’t transform as well. In other words, we have been going that way for so long that it is far easier to continue doing so in the safety of what we know then it is to find ourselves with the possibility of being lost and scared, unable to breathe, in an unfamiliar place where the weeds could keep us from ever getting out of them. You also have a way about you that is significant and it’s not that you don’t have courage or strength but rather that how you have been applying them is keeping you in your particular position with the belief that it is safer to be there or even that it is where you belong. Turn around because in a different truth, the things that you don’t want are the materials that help to build the specific beauty that you are meant to define. Be loud in who you are because there is no one better than you to show up to pick your weeds as well as smell your flowers, embracing both, on your journey. My word for this week is thankful because if it weren’t for both Ryan’s and my dreaded “f” moments, as well as those that belong to others along the way, I would still be in the same place believing that safe enough was all right, that the light never fades what lives in it, particularly in those other fields, and that the darkness couldn’t possibly be the illumination of the beginning of a new flower. Have the best day possible for you because you have a way about you but to see that you have to love you where you are while knowing that it is just the step before you apply the best materials needed to expand your field of view in order to go through. What word would you choose to express the most fondness for your sometime warrior who falls down, doesn’t appear to be brave and is still learning why terms and the application of what they hold matters? Oh hell, let’s grab some boxes of tissues for the moments where we cry and the ones that make us laugh until our stomachs hurt so that we can be easy on ourselves in the process of any kind of life because our rides and we ourselves will always enfold more than we wish for. Be kind to the person that you are living this life with. Love Always, Heavell