There is a visibility problem within us that the darkness uses to pin us down with belief that we are on journeys where being likeable means being demure about who we are and fitting in feels like a sanctuary away from the things that have taken root in our self-portraits.

Our familiar way of being contains the symptoms of dragons that haven’t left us alone in awhile and the deep, negative words living in our hearts and minds so much so that our hope becomes one of finding a finish, of some kind, for the grief that is stuck on repeat.

But if we are not recognizable in the vocabulary of the packaged deals that we see, what we think those misidentified points of light have shown us about ourselves becomes another barrier on the list of what is between us and happiness.

We can’t use what has been defined elsewhere to recover the safety that has become buried in our blended layers without being shifted further into isolation in the very homes that the different versions of who we are reside in.

And yet placing ourselves in the middle of the view of what has happened on the inside also fills us up with messages that don’t communicate well enough for our gardens to thrive within the presence of weeds as well as the occasional desirable feelings.

We don’t pretend to suffer so acting as if we are all right until the noise is gone only allows the dark to continue voicing it’s opinions, coaxing us deeper into our own misery, but just because it’s speaking, it doesn’t mean that the invite can’t be declined.

The relationship that we are seeking within ourselves lives in the conflict of what has never been meek for us so what works best to get through isn’t turning down the volume of what we know but to start practicing how to adjust the impact of those effects for ourselves.

What weeds do is reveal the spots that we are not treating our very own selves well in and what we can do with that knowledge is become available to show up to sit with them even though it’s dark.     

This is me and sometimes the absence of light threatens to separate me from learning to love myself in the gloom of my story but slowly that particular voice is becoming a loud shield in the art of living my so very heavell life.   

Have the best day POSSIBLE for you. Love Always, Heavell