The expression “making something out of nothing” has been used in reference to the creation of things that have merit but also in order to devalue the reactions of others. In other words, depending on how you use or receive that statement, it can either hold heaven or it can bring hell. Responses that appear to come out of nowhere are often thought to be an overreaction to a moment or situation; that “making of something out of nothing” What’s not there, though, is the ability to see why someone may be expressing his or her self in that manner. Fear, pain, feeling unheard, anxiety, a familiar pattern or even the BLAH can affect one’s ability to say what needs to be said without getting loud while doing so; whether an addict or not. A green truth then would be that a reaction came from nowhere or that it has been made out of nothing. The real truth is that our responses occur from what has been created over a lifetime of heaven and hell moments; especially the ones hidden in the shadows. If it seems like yesterday then it probably is because whatever needs to be dealt with is still waiting for you. What can also be found there, though, is your ability to elicit change and understanding because of and for you. This is me and this is you, regardless of being an addict or not, finding our way in this kind of life; a so very heavell one. All of it matters because your patterns have been created from the things that you feel; not those that I do or that someone else does. In this kind of life, what you do today will either repeat the yesterdays or transform what has hurt into the appreciation of the falls. After all, you are the heavell keeper of your life who is able to “make something out of nothing”; with either the help of your sometime warrior or your pain. This is the perfect moment for you to decide if you are breathing it in or just breathing. I will just wait right here while you locate the beauty that only you can find; in your kind of life.

When others repeat their behaviors, it can feel as if they are saying that you should be here as well; replaying what has already been. If you are trying to change, that adversity can then facilitate you into “making something out of nothing”; often in detrimental ways. Those actions and reactions, yours and others, have always just been there but they are not the justification or the excuse for remaining in the same place. They are, however, the expressing of personal emotional definitions and patterns. Located there, as well, is the understanding of how difficult it can be, also known as a hell, to transform when others remain the same; in this kind of life. A part of evolving, though, is recognizing that you have the ability to view more than just what you imagine is there; and not there. Why is it so much easier to allow some individuals to speak, to facilitate that, then it is to listen to those who say the things we do not want to hear or feel; whether an addict or not? Fear and pain, often expressed in the “making of something from nothing”, are a reflection of the place that someone is at; especially if it seems like yesterday. If you can perceive of the importance of each of us articulating from our positions, without breathing it in, then you can transform the adversity into understanding; because of and for you. Change has never been an easy thing to do but then sometime warriors have never ever been needed in heaven now have they? This is me and this is you in this kind of life where in any given moment we can feed the hell and or nourish the heaven. So here goes “the making of nothing into something” by just being who you are. In this kind of life, the mirror knows that you have always been the perfect person to go through. So get your tissues and start listening. After all, the real truth is that it’s not my words but what’s in your words that will bring about what you need. Whatever you are waiting for, it can’t happen unless you do this because of and for you. In this kind of life, falling has always been as important as stepping; even though that’s not what you imagined would be found there.