When things aren’t what we want them to be, we tend to think that there is something wrong with us and that we need to change in order for us to be able to celebrate ourselves.

When life distracts us from whatever that goal is, we are prone to feeling defeated as we become aware of the distance between our location and the probability of finally being happy.

When we question our struggles, we hold close the impact of disappointments as if they are the only detail that we should remember from our steps.

When we are discouraged, we have the propensity to use our retraceable moments as the justifications as to why we shouldn’t give ourselves another chance.

When we don’t allow ourselves to make mistakes, we doubt our own possibilities and then even hope can’t help us to let go of the flow of emotional energies that limit our view of our capabilities.

If we pause to notice what is right about us as often as we recognize what is wrong, we find the strategies that work for our position when progression is necessary.

If we focus on what our intent is instead of a specific objective, we are able to accommodate the distractions of the bad days that threaten to keep us stuck and to flourish even more in the good ones.

If we notice that the process of our journeys is what makes our destinations valuable, we are able to find joy along the way in the small things as well as hang onto that feel when our plans don’t go as we hope.

If we take actionable steps towards listening to understand, we build a relationship with all of ourselves rather than only with the painful marks that communicate so loudly within us.

If we commit to knowing how words resonate within us, we don’t judge our potential in the tomorrows with who we are today because in the yesterdays, we had know idea of the sometime warriors that would be able to get us to this moment.

In life, there will always be this and that as well as things that show up now and then, but we are the perfectly imperfect people to understand that what we do with the presence of the weeds and the dragons is a part of how our flowers grow and how we still see the light on even the stormiest of days.  

Have the best day POSSIBLE for you. Love Always, Heavell