When the accounts of our life journeys are viewed, they are often perceived of as short, uncomplicated versions that are not necessarily the real truth despite what appears to be there, or what we should listen to. Perhaps it’s the time and the details that it would take to understand someone or even ourselves that prevents us from recognizing that a part is never the finished product of a whole but rather a synopsis of a life just as the first line of a composition is a glimpse into what a song has to say. In other words, just because there is a mess behind a door, it doesn’t mean that treasures can’t be found there too or that a melody about the troubles that someone has seen can’t be rearranged to create a victory tune or that the view of a word like “impossible” can’t be moved from its powerful feeling of defeat to become the even stronger belief of “I’m possible” After all, unexpected beauty lives in the complicated places, like the weeds, that we don’t want to be in and the time that it takes to find it depends upon our individual series of movements. In the story of a field, the plot is a diverse and tricky portrayal that involves quests, failures, doubt, disasters, triumphs, rest, fear and courage as well as the ability to affect other fields. There is a supportive cast as well as those whose presence can prevent the field from becoming all that it can be. This is an epic tale in the life of an area but in our preferred ballad form, the end result is what we are most often focused on regardless of the moments and measure that it took to create what’s there. Sometimes, things other than what we want will show up in that place or objects from other fields will find their way into that area despite the best efforts and additionally the items that we thought no longer had the ability to affect the land will appear again and again causing us to “flip out” There will even be periods of doubt where it won’t seem possible to help transform the area, and sometimes that will be the real truth, but that is also when we will need to sit down to hear what isn’t being said and to view what we have not perceived the correct value of rather than continue with the short versions that are so much easier but will rarely, if ever, lead to change. This is the story of a field, but it also could be about a tree in a forest or a relationship or a part of you or whatever you imagine it is about and all of those things are made up of pieces in a whole whose details, victories and failures as well as so much more create an enfolding product that will continue to move even when in the same position. In your epic tale, because any kind of life is one with a sometime warrior who battles things that seem like mystical creatures, what detail have you treated as just one line or a few notes when the real truth is that it is a narrative or composition in you? What is the hell of it? Can it be rearranged to become the unexpected beauty or victory of you? As I have said, Ryan’s addiction was the hell in my life that I absolutely hated, but over time it also taught me to re-value the particulars of not only myself but also Ryan as well as Ashlee and Taylor which led to a better understanding about the other fields within me and around me. Today is the day, or perhaps tomorrow is the one, to start with one piece of you and reassess what it has meant in your life in all the ways that it prevented you from becoming all that you could have been and all that you can be now by moving your view of it. In a different truth but still a very real one, what is impossible is always “I’m possible” on the long and painful trail, although what you find won’t necessarily be the type of flower that you had wished for or even ever imagined could live in the darkness. Remember to always be kind to the person that you are going through all of this with and to be home in the place that needs you most because change starts with enfolding the details of fondness and safety for yourself. Embrace the mess where a yet to be discovered treasure is waiting for you and of course, have the best day POSSIBLE for you. Love Always, Heavell