Throughout our lives we are aware of people, places and things that we think are in need of fixing, including ourselves.

What’s not there, though, is the understanding that how we approach the knowledge that change is necessary determines whether we see ourselves as belonging in the category of broken items or the one in which a different nurturing is essential for growth.

Transformation requires us to believe that we are indeed possible in order for us to truly engage in it but it’s pretty hard to imagine being a mystical beast slayer or the writer of a story of love when we find ourselves listed with fragmented objects that are usually tossed aside.

Modification begins at the point where we recognize what hasn’t worked for us but that idea isn’t just about our missteps on our journeys as it also includes perceiving of the actions that we have attempted in order to help ourselves that haven’t worked despite giving it our all.

Learning what’s best in encouraging our blooming is a slow process of trial and error in search of the success of what connects with our individual selves not the hunt for proof of being impossible regardless of the murmurings of dragons that imply that’s who we are.

Continuing to pass by the view that we have repeatedly stared at and breathed in persuades us to separate parts of ourselves such as strength and pain as well as courage and fear as if having one means that we can’t also be holding the hand of the other or that the value of the sun far exceeds the rain even though everything needs both in varying amounts in order to thrive.

Feelings are situational and while it may seem like happiness is a dream to get to in the tomorrows, traveling the path of discovering how to show up for ourselves includes being all right with not being all right when the clouds come rolling in because joy doesn’t disappear when we are in the weeds but we may have to wait a little longer to locate it’s less obvious position within ourselves.

So look in the mirror and ask yourself this question, “What is it that I don’t like about myself?” Breathe while being honest with your answer. Now invite what you do like about yourself to be seen as well and if that’s harder to do then practice at it because it means you have been too comfortable with growing the vocabulary seeds that keep you on the needing to be fixed list when you are not actually broken.

After all, colors can be changed to fit how we feel in our moments but we remain the same in our capabilities within that fluctuation.

Musical notes are rearranged every day to create new songs but the sound that each individual one makes remains the same within those opportunities.

Love can be defined by a single term or millions can come together and still not quite express it but the feeling of it remains the same in every experience of it.

And words can be planted in the fields of our hearts and minds but what flourishes depends upon what we focus on but we remain the same in being viable no matter how long it takes for us to recognize that we need to nurture ourselves.

Have the best day POSSIBLE for you. Love Always, Heavell