The gray that enfolds us with its sun-blocking downpours implies that the rays of the sun aren’t shining on our trails, but the real truth is that the magic of the light doesn’t stop radiating and flowers don’t cease to bloom just because there are storms in our lives. Knowing, however, that shiny beams are still around despite our inability to experience their warmth or that colors continue to maintain their beauty in the face of the grayness doesn’t really make us feel better, now does it? Standing on the outside gives us a different field of vision than someone living an experience, but well-intentioned sunny-side words are not always as liberating as wishes plan for them to be. When we blend the sun with the rain, there are times when our palettes become muddy and what we hear is the belittling of the dragons that we are encircled by rather than the hoped for collaborative dreams that say there is joy in the distance where blue skies are the possibilities of the tomorrows. The sunshine simply embodies contentment but when we are sitting in the weeds and our shelters leak, what we need is the acknowledgement of the moments where that luminary has shined the least. Within that position is the remembrance that we have actually seen it casting light on our journeys which strengthens our belief in ourselves just as how noticing the spots that the showers have been the strongest allows us to remember that so many others received little to no moisture at all. We are not always lost or shaken on our paths but when we are, thinking that what we have encountered can’t also be used as a tool to help ourselves effects our confidence far more than missed goals or loud “f” moments do. So here goes nothing with the word of the day, obsession, and how it has assisted in illustrating the idea of the sunshine as something that occurs when you don’t have cloudbursts rather than that happiness comes from the stability of slowly understanding and overcoming the dragons that live in those storms. So, when has joy felt the littlest in your life? Have you been able to see those as merely parts, or have you been polarized with the thoughts that your whole journey has been sun-blocked because of some unhappy events? Our words stay with us but how they are defined relies upon what we pour into them and while we have been comfortable with the straightforwardness of the black, the white and a few grays, it doesn’t mean that we can’t start adding the different hues that edge what has already been familiar. Have you thought about flinging some cheery yellow onto your canvas to brighten the shadows or perhaps illuminating the background with a really pretty blue to prompt the memory of how everything that we are comfortable with can be clarified in a different way? After all, in the mix, the darkness has its own light but it’s hard to notice it while staring at the blossoms on another trail, the color of love also holds the hand of anger but what you feel is what you believe about it and the warmth from some of your sunny days will leave you wishing for the relief of the cloud cover found only in the chance of storms that have come to water the seeds of trying that you didn’t even know had been planted.

Have the best day POSSIBLE for you. Love Always, Heavell