Storms are actually two-way things where there are moments when the rain sounds like an unhappy tune on repeat and others that we don’t even notice that the sun is absent as it pours.

The vibes of beams are just like that as well because there are cloudless days in which the brightness is as overwhelming as the weight of our grief is and still more that hold a little bit of happiness that makes us hope they will last longer than they are able to.

What lights us up or feels like darkness isn’t the weather that we are surrounded by but rather if we are chasing the belief that flowers are located somewhere around a bend or if we are finding blossoms at home within ourselves along side our familiar points of gloom.

It can seem as if everything has to be or look a certain way in order for us to be able to define words like joy, beauty and love but its really about how we communicate to ourselves the distance that links our sadness with what makes us smile.

A single thought leads to another and another and yet another, echoing full messages to us that hold our view but if we can discover the neutral position between those two polarized ends, it can help us to navigate balancing our tears with our laughter whether its dark or sunny.

Often we try to separate the uncomfortable parts of our journeys from ourselves by keeping them between the boundaries of lines but when we meld both sides of us together, we get to step back from our writings in black and white and move into a shelter of color or one that truly expresses all that we really are.  

By gazing with curiosity in both directions, we can see that the proximity of what we want is far closer than we think it is and the power of what we don’t want is actually considerably less than we have imagined.

When the energy of our sorrow once again meets our happiness, as if we are still getting no where, the way out is in knowing that the four letter word known as love is easy when life is just as sunny days can also be but when our hearts are in need of a hug, it becomes the action term that reminds us that in our darkness we are also the light regardless of the existence of our weeds or a missing sun.          

Have the best day POSSIBLE for you. Love Always, Heavell.     

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