We often hear that we should follow our hearts and if our tunes are expressing the soft rhythms that we can effortlessly travel with, it’s easy to believe in that, but when our bundled feels also hold the kind of sorrow that stays so close to us that it’s gloom casts itself from one end of the yesterdays to our current point in time, our movement becomes restricted.

Generally what we hear in the ebb and flow of our thoughts and feelings are not the gentler voices that we want to perceive of as those usually slip unnoticed into the background as soon as those repetitive loud notes begin to play.

It’s no wonder why we struggle to imagine ourselves as being possible with those constant displays of emotions weighing us down as well the implications that, somehow, they describe us better than we could ever hope to.

For some, the answer to that pain and moving forward is to exist right where we are in this moment while no longer considering the previous days nor worrying about the tomorrows but for others, the past, present and future are equal in our stories which means that we can’t go ahead without being aware of the dark and the light that we have been building upon.    

So, if we cannot advance as the results of what we have come to believe about ourselves, then perhaps that’s because we have given the emotions that we put together in our narratives, the power to choose merely a little bit of who we are, out of all that we actually are, and then allowed them to speak as if they hold our value.

What if, though, that noise is not trying to point out that we are weak but that those parts need help and until we are willing to be vulnerable enough to open up the spaces, they will remain as the prickles that continue to pierce our hearts and minds with their sounds?

Darkness is the absence of light and the only way to change its appearance is by our bringing luminosity to those areas and our being authentic conveys the truth that we hold both the ability to illuminate through what we know and to also be insufficient in that brightness from the shadows of our own beliefs.

Following our hearts doesn’t mean that we should abandon who we are by trailing around with our feelings but it does indicate that we should dance a little more in the places where that noise calls to us by way of its loud and unwanted beats.

Have the best day POSSIBLE for you. Love Always, Heavell

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