You know those familiar thoughts where you give value to the idea that if only you hadn’t stepped where you have or if somehow things had gone a different way, you wouldn’t be in the place that you are now and you wouldn’t be who you have become? Well, it’s time to take a breather from those kinds of views because as much as we like to focus on the beliefs that we should have or could have done this in some other manner that just might have positioned us in a field of flowers, there is much to be said about sitting down with ourselves while noticing all that exists and is possible as the results of what has been done. Any weed can still become a flower if it helps you to move your knowledge of what fondness, safety and forgiveness has meant to the ones that help you to show up for you today. In other words, be kind to the person that you are actually living your life with since your particular beauty needs more time to be understood and to bloom. What we feed will be what is strongest within us, keeping us in one place even when we change locations, until we use everything that we are, including our messes, to go through. After all, we may have fallen into the darkness in moments, but we are not failures because of those series of movements. Take a breather and have the best day possible for you. Love Always, Heavell

“We don’t live in the should haves or could haves, we live in the have dones” Taylor, M.A. L.A.C.