The uneasiness of the yesterdays can be found in the emotions of the powerlessness of today as if the memories of before are slowly permeating through the sheets that have yet to be written on.

It’s as if our details have become muddied by the visual language of our being put together with only the unwanted when really we encompass the highs and the lows of everything that we can do.

That feeling of darkness in our hearts is a part of the reason why we feel disconnected from happiness but just like beauty, joy isn’t solely present in the light nor is being possible exclusive to walks in the sunshine.  

Our colors and words are what wrap us up in our authenticity and when we focus on our weeds, we aren’t leaving room for us to be curious about the sparks of novel movement we’ve had along the way as well.

Our losses imply we never fought to begin with but to get to where we want we have to endure the starts, the restarts and the debris as many times as it takes while strength slowly and quietly trickles through all of it.

Accepting the versions that we have been can replenish what we believe is missing through the understanding that what we do next isn’t about forgetting the yesterdays but it is about forgiving the moments because it is still us within them.

That kindness is what the readers of our narratives notice even when there isn’t a single sentence or hue that directly expresses it and its also why they turn the page with the hope that we as the main characters will eventually discover that magical key as well.

Here’s some flowers for you in the form of the knowledge that you don’t have to fix the smiles and tears that live in your story but you do have to allow love to encircle what’s there which means reshaping your belief that celebrations are for when you are happy.

Have the best day POSSIBLE for you. Love Always, Heavell

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