Within transformation is the illusion that all we need to do is simply stop doing or feeling whatever in order to be successful in moving forth. As individuals though, we each have and hold our personal moments, feelings and emotional definitions; including the BLAH. The way we perceive of and react to life has been and will continue to be shaped by those things; especially our pattern of coping. Adversity, found on the inside and the outside, is the creator of pain as well as the need for change; in both places. Do you believe that falling, which holds its’ own controversary, is a part of the undertaking of any type of evolution; whether an addict or not? What, then, is in the words that you say to yourself when an inevitable tumble does occur? When our view is limited, we often don’t realize that in order to transform, we have to find understanding by stepping into ourselves. If you are going to do what I say then turn around because how you breathe those things into your heart has long been an established pattern; one that can’t evolve without the all of you. If you have something to say that is in need of being heard, then you are the essential person required to speak and to listen to your little boxes of feelings. If it seems like yesterday, are you acting and reacting in the same manner as you always have? What’s not there is the justification or the excuse to not change based upon what others have done or are doing; whether an addict or not. What may seem like yesterday is actually what you still need to get uncomfortably comfortable with; what you are in control of. Are you sure, that whatever you choose to do, you don’t want to just do it because of and for you? After all, the way you do things has never ever been that simple but neither is a so very heavell life. It’s those moments, feelings but especially the falls that adversity uses to help create your sometime warrior. So even though it may seem like yesterday, it really is today. Turn around and look in the mirror. What you imagine is not there has always been there but it’s hard to perceive of those things when staying in a place for far too long.

The adversity that can be found on the inside often feeds off of what can be found on the outside; the words and the actions of others. When we are in the painful process of change, the beholder of its very own controversary, the repeating of patterns can and does effect our ability to transform; or whether it has lasting results. What seems like yesterday is actually a duplicate of it because others have an established personal system of behaviors as well. Imagine, then, trying to say the things that you need to while others respond as they always have. How do their words weaken your belief that transformation will ever be possible; helping to keep you in that perceived of hell? So what? An illusion or green truth is that someone else needs to evolve; especially if an addict. The real truth is we all must step forward otherwise we will each continue to walk in circles; while repeating what has already been. What’s not there is your ability to illicit someone else’s understanding or change; unless of course he or she desires to see beyond just what is in front. We can accept others for who they are just as we hope they will for us. We can also not breathe into our hearts what is in the words and the actions of others. Recognizing that it is a reflection of the place they are at rather than the value or the definition of ourselves. However, all of that has always been easier when controversary is not bringing pain; which almost never ever happens. What, then, can you do for yourself as you work to do this better on the inside; while also being challenged on the outside by what seems like yesterday? You can be kind to yourself as you tumble and walk in circles as a part of the beauty of hell; the pieces of the undertaking of evolution. Understand that we don’t just stop behaving or feeling in the ways that we have; because those long established patterns interfere with that. We may hope to but the confusion created by the adversity ensures that stepping has never ever been an easy choice or action. But while those patterns may have shaped your ability to show up as well as go through in the past, they also have never ever been meant to be the continued definers of the tomorrows. Take the hand of fear and that of courage as you tumble along your trail. Know that you will take steps forward, no matter the size or the strength, in your matter of time. If it seems like yesterday, then turn around because transformation is exactly what sometime warriors are for. I’m just going to wait right here for you to consent to being who you are; the bringer of hell and the beholder of heaven. After all, there may be more than one way to pick weeds and smell flowers but there has always been only one you as the heavell keeper of your life. Oh hell, did I remind you to bring your tissues? I’m sorry, I guess its going to be that kind of day. The one in which you get to decide if you are going to breathe it in or just breathe.