A messy room is the place where things have found their way from where they belong into the other areas of that space. As the chaos grows, it becomes easier to just continue tossing the whatever wherever while pushing the jumbled piles into different positions so that they don’t appear to be a problem. Those objects, however, are not the only things that are accumulating while also being shifted and ignored. Our ever expanding feelings of denial, justification and being overwhelmed are also a part of the crowdedness. After all, it has always been easier for us to be aware of and understand the worth of things as they pertain to items rather than what actually lives and breathes in our minds and hearts; also known as the details of us. Now turn around and replace the term “a messy room” with the phrase “the cluttered parts of you”. The addiction, or the whatever that has been detrimental to your wellbeing, is an illumination of what is jumbled on the inside; just like the chaos that a room can hold. This is you and this is me and we don’t always want to rearrange everything in order to get comfortably uncomfortable with the “f” moments and the pain; sometimes it’s better but most often it is worse. The fact and the opinion, though, is that it only appears to be easier to limit our view of the messes through the use of substance or by being an illusion of perfection or by failing to look at all of the parts rather than just a piece. We can either find a different truth by going through all of it in our matter of time or the hell can continue to toss the whatever wherever and today will be a repeat of yesterday. I am going to wait right here while you start to rearrange everything but especially those flowers and weeds on the inside of you. The worth of those things has the ability to make it that kind of day but so do you through the understanding of your words and feelings. Above all, sometime warriors carry tissues for the moments that they fall, walk in circles and step in a life that is so very heavell. Here’s to the hope that what has hurt becomes what helps you to rise one moment at a time; also known as a superpower.

What do a messy room, cluttered parts as well as a space filled with people have in common? Despite not being easily seen, all of them can hold fear and pain while also being overwhelming. Each can also carry a piece of beauty even though that word is not found in the dictionary definitions of them. What is in the words that you say to yourself about those three expressions? What if you were to rearrange everything in order to view not just what is familiar but what you have believed to be impossible to see or to even be found within you? After all, if the hell can find a way to be illuminated while staying hidden, such as in addiction, then you can hold beauty and be jumbled with things like “f” moments as well. How are a messy room, cluttered parts and a space filled with people together while not together? The word together itself is defined as working collectively while not together is explained as being separate. All three of those terms have parts or moments that hold both definitions even when they only appear to represent a flaw or just a strength. A mess is balanced in what it brings even if we do not like it or what we believe it is an expression of. A space that is filled with people gives the appearance of unity and yet each individual is separate in how they came to be regardless of the location of the group or what it may represent. As much as we dislike the hell, we are most often focused upon it and not just because of the part that is known as addiction. The fact and the opinion is that we spend our matter of time avoiding the real truth about the chaos that can be found in parts versus wholes and that way has led to us being unaware that we are actually feeding the hell. If a messy room, cluttered parts, a space filled with people, addiction or whatever is not working for you then it is time for you to find a different truth and not one that is really just a green truth. In other words, you already know how to lose yourself so perhaps in this perfect moment you can get comfortably uncomfortable with the clutter. Here’s to rearranging everything and finding the meaning of your words in the place that needs you most. But wherever you place the whatever the hope is, as the heavell keeper of your life, that you will laugh until your stomach hurts and cry until you realize that it has always been all right to not be all right in any given moment even if a different truth told you it wasn’t.