Live The Ride #194

Live The Ride #194

To enjoy our lives is also known as to relish our existence but how is that even possible when having it all holds not only what we desire but also the people, places, feelings, moments and things that we do not? Is it achievable, then, to find appreciation for those...

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Another “f” Moment #193

Another “f” Moment #193

There are moments as well as emotions that we have experienced from our field of view that complicates how we feel and our ability to show up for ourselves as well as others. Sometimes it's our desire to get off of that rollercoaster that encourages us to exit before...

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Feel That #192

Feel That #192

Laughter that makes our stomachs hurt is the desired place to be in but when our particular feelings of pain and uncomfortableness appear, there is a belief that we are flawed if we are unable to cope with the same ease that we enjoy the things that are fun. Because...

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A Belief #191

A Belief #191

Coming to terms with all of the possible definitions and emotions that can be held by just a single phrase means finding what brings us together but more importantly what separates us and ultimately effects our understanding of each other. In other words, what we know...

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Love Always #190

Love Always #190

Just like how words carry different emotional definitions for each of us, our personal gray lines on the inside can fluctuate from moment to moment, feeling to feeling and person to person. What we won't accept from one person will often be something that we will...

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The Thin Gray Line #189

The Thin Gray Line #189

Greetings. Today, Heavell is sharing the words of Vicky DiNicola, a mother who lost her dream to an overdose in August of 2020. She is a sometime warrior in a variety of ways and a wonderful writer. Lean in as you read her words so that you may not only perceive of...

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Follow along in the continuing story of living life in Heaven and Hell.