Shaping Hope #260

Shaping Hope #260

Stories are never written without the personas having a goal or two because the lack of a dream would seem like those characters were endlessly adrift without the sail of hope and no matter what, we want to cheer and feel empowered through those make-believe...

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Love Lives in So Many Ways #259

Love Lives in So Many Ways #259

Every story has implicit messages that tell what the author's understanding of the world is but what they write may not be what someone else understands from it just as what one person says may not be what is heard by another. We ourselves apply our own view of life...

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Good Grief #258

Good Grief #258

It feels good in the sun because when we are in the warmth of a spot like that, we can forget what distresses us for at least a moment but as soon as there's a chance of storms, we yearn to be back in that light as if there's something missing in us without it....

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It Feels Good in the Sun #257

It Feels Good in the Sun #257

Imagine if you only had a single post-it-note to write your epic tale on. What would you choose to put on that assessment? Would you have ample space for what you have to say, or would the area become limited by the black lines covering the terms that you decided...

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Chance of Storms #256

Chance of Storms #256

When it comes to magic, what qualities do you visualize someone must have in order to be defined by that word? Are those features rigid or are they flexible enough to allow flaws within them as well? How, then, do you feel about the fact that every single journey, in...

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The Magic #255

The Magic #255

A basic concept within many novels is that happiness is living on the far side of the problems that the characters have to go through and realistically if that journey is a long and arduous one, the further away that celebratory place seems not unlike what we...

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Follow along in the continuing story of living life in Heaven and Hell.