Part of the reason why we love epic tales is because they imply a togetherness and the anticipated triumph in those accounts encourages a belief in ourselves that we are also able to overcome any kind of hell despite the lack of mystical creatures in our stories. The best sagas are the ones where the long journeys are a rollercoaster ride through all sorts of events, suffering, fear and then finally that feeling of relief as the sometime warrior beats the odds because, after all, anything else would cause us to “flip out” In other words, we have the expectation of victory in novels and movies as well as in our lives and if a plot twist seemingly derails that hope, doubt in the whole narrative can take ahold of us. It’s as if that unexpected darkness is able to feed, somehow, the belief that our story stops right there and that we are in fact impossible so we might as well lay down in the weeds. What are epic tales really about though? Simply they are a succession of stories with details that are living loudly in the moments of an individual who is hoping to conquer something over a matter of time not unlike how a song is a part of a series reflecting the particulars of what an artist is going or has gone through rather than a synopsis about his or her whole life. The site of any narrative can make an account appear to be far more interesting, but it isn’t really important because out of the blue, “mystical beasts” or rather the hell can find each of us even in the places where we believe we are safe enough and that location doesn’t determine if we are living an epic tale since it is ours to noisily go through everywhere. Perhaps what discourages us from believing in our stories and our abilities are the thoughts of what our triumphs should look like because it is far easier to view fields of flowers in the light than it is to have plot twists in our lives that requires us to search for the unexpected beauty of the ones that are hidden in the darkness. Imagine then, that you say what you need to say with the idea that you will be victorious in being heard and yet you are not so even though you know your particulars, you begin to doubt your whole narrative. The expectation was for change to immediately and simply occur but what isn’t there is the realization that there is an out of the blue success in those weeds despite the lack of being heard. By speaking, you are learning to show up for yourself while taking a step towards the understanding of what safety and fondness needs to become for you. When our view is limited to the things that we only want or believe should be there, we will spend far more time walking in circles or even falling than if we keep looking for the different truths that live there too. Those out of the blue triumphs are a part of what makes our tales epic particularly when our ride places us in the path of some “mystical creature” or plot twist that seemingly is determined to derail us. Have you been able to locate an unexpected beauty or out of the blue victory or does the idea of finding the treasure in the midst of the chaos seem impossible for you? Or maybe it’s that your expectation of a so very heavell life has been based in the belief that you are either in the flowers or in the weeds, and the plot twist is that both heaven and hell are present in every single moment no matter what your location is? Grab some tissues and look both ways at the succession of your stories because what once made you cry from the pain now might make you laugh until your stomach hurts or what you use to laugh at could turn out to be what has been hidden hurt all along. You never really know what will happen in an epic tale but then that’s a part of why we love them. Have the best day POSSIBLE for you. Love Always, Heavell