(the life of grief)

Once again as I turn the pages of another day, I find a myriad of memories of you stuck in places that I don’t remember putting them in.

Some feel quite gritty against my heart as it moves with each beat while additional ones give the sensation of being as soft as a bed of silt that I can gently sink into.

Others have disappeared after slipping through my fingers when I wasn’t looking and I am afraid of losing even more of my souvenirs from the yesterdays.

Still a few are like a collection of weights that I periodically rearrange to prevent them from tumbling on top of me but somehow I still feel their heaviness in my chest and I am reminded of the duality that lives in the recall of love and loss.

Today those echoes that are seemingly made of sand and stone invite me to walk their ever shifting path where you now reside and I will go there with the fading hope that this is all someone else’s storyline and a box of tissues for when I realize its truly mine.

Have the best day POSSIBLE for you. Love Always Heavell