The definition of an epic tale has been established as a literary work about a person or group performing heroic deeds while on a long and amazing adventure or otherwise intense story. That kind of narrative usually involves the rescuing or the saving or the defending of someone or some place against some type of enemy. They can be an account of an actual journey or revolve around imaginary creatures or have a combination of real and false details in order to make the tale feel more interesting. Today, stories like that are most often about an authentic and ordinary person who, through a series of movements, discovers what he or she is really capable of despite the fear and the pain along that extended journey or the presence of mystical creatures that are not always found in the form of fire-breathing dragons. Of course, it is always easier to cheer for someone who appears to be an unassuming hero to begin with then it is to show up for us in our own narratives where our sometime warriors often find themselves stuck in the weeds “of our own making” Despite the different details though, all stories are about the process of becoming someone that an individual didn’t necessarily imagine he or she would become. In other words, you didn’t envision yourself here to begin with so today is a good day to make way for being curious about, to locate, who you want to be as you turn a little bit at a time what has been into the plot twists or superpowers of your tomorrows. To make way for a win, then, you have to look at the possibilities of what can help you and what has or will prevent you from moving forward. After all, these are our individual real-life intense stories and since we can’t just pass the pages that we don’t want or skip the scenes that hurt, make way for the art of living in heavell by recognizing that change is a series of movements, a whole is never ever just defined by a part and that courage walks hand in hand with fear because we are always capable of both but it’s the view that we look at that determines what we breathe in. Have the best day POSSIBLE for you as you make way for so much more than you have imagined. Love Always, Heavell