The further away we believe we are from strength’s descriptions, the more we are aware of the war that darkness has with our functioning and it’s in those moments that we feel left out of the idea of what resilience seems to be for others.

How we exist in the truth of the negativity that places us in the corner isn’t even altered by holding onto positivity and we just end up feeling even more vulnerable and disconnected. 

And so, we pretend to solve that gap with words and smiles that hide the disarray in our own homes while passing time on pages that don’t take us to where we want to be.

Sorrow will, of course, remain in our hearts as the details of that label are unforgettable, but getting past that which is ordinary is something that we can grow enough around to limit its impact.

So how do we get to the point where we can trust how we work as individuals instead of wishing for different or to even be someone else in our own stories?

It is, after all, very difficult to jump from the consciousness of hearing repetitive words that hurt to the extreme of taking seriously a pattern of terms that we don’t currently resonate with, but we can ease into expanding the experiences of what we already know.

When the dark seems to be copying itself, there is the option to color it over with the understanding that the lighting may be poor, but we are slowly stepping into laying down what has blocked our view of how durable we have actually been.

Once we are comfortable with that simple change, then it is possible to move that newly acquired limitation by recognizing that while it’s still somewhat dim, this pigment is now the proof that the function of vocalizing what oppresses us is becoming our own.               

The darkness can keep us from noticing that its messages are made up with things that have no desire to truly see us and with our silence, it appears to have no end, but a lot of how strength has been defined for us leaves out the murkiness that exists along its development.

We can only be dismissed if we leave the community of ourselves, where doing the best that we can is enough as we begin updating our own words as a part of our work of art and learn to ignore the content that fits in with the stories of others.

It feels impossible to imagine different hues when it comes to our suffering but love always invites us to not save or let go of the dark but to work with its different shades until we find the right lighting that doesn’t ruin the ending of the pages that we have yet to turn to.

Have the best day POSSIBLE for you. Love Always, Heavell