We paint the pictures of our hearts through the closeness of the lines in our stories and even when it isn’t dark outside, we add the moments that have been to our blank pages as the consistent reminders of why we have abandoned the homes within ourselves.

What attracts us to those marks of fragility is the way in which our darkness leverages itself as an embrace that we can rely on in our responses to the uncertainty of what is ahead as well as when we, once again, find ourselves in the weeds.

Our perception of ourselves has held the belief that being uneasy with or fearful of the unknown is the same as being incapable of navigating the uncharted sheets of our stories so keeping what’s familiar with us gives us a sense of safety even when it’s a painful hug.

We have also relied on the idea that having off-color pieces means that we, as a whole, are weak when those vulnerable items of ours are merely voicing that more care is required from us for the hurt to feel enfolded while still being represented within the pigments of our hearts.

The reality is that we are aware that we have been unsuccessful at various points in our lives but that sorrow within our narratives is not proof of our being broken as those steps, even as the incorrect ones, are only some of the examples of the diverse ways that we have engaged with the expansion and constriction in our lives.

What we believe and what we know to be true about ourselves are two very different things and the power of how we view both, affects whether our setbacks and grief continue to taint our pages or not.

Beliefs are the results of the emotions that have filled us from our encounters and while we are meant to feel them in order to understand ourselves better, we were never supposed to be at war on the inside by becoming them.

In knowing the truth about ourselves, we allow all of our facts to be present in our hearts and minds because in the process of the ecosystems of our gardens, our presence does not exist solely in the moments of the storms nor are we only valuable in just the pretty parts.     

As real-life stories go, it has never actually been possible for any of us to always be right and yet we are not willing to be wrong, so if we must let go of something, let it be our continuous living within our rollercoaster feels that reinforce those beliefs and instead give more care as we practice learning to completely love the people that we authentically are.

Have the best day POSSIBLE for you. Love Always, Heavell

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