Hope is the very essence of all epic tales and while we often see that term as it relates to being a specific goal or purpose to achieve, it is really a feeling about trusting that some sort of positive outcome will eventually happen despite the details and the challenges that occur along the way. In a sense, that small word has the power to evoke some of the strongest reactions in us whether in a narrative that has us on the edge of our seats or music that expresses what we connect to or in the uniting for a cause. In a different truth though, hope also has the ability to create hopelessness in us when we interpret it as an absolute or having to be just right. The journey to success always includes actions of failure or falling as a part of the process of learning and emotions like fear, anger and doubt that are the opposite of what hope implies are often felt as well. Having the expectation that things need to be as we wish limits our view and prevents the finding of those out of the blue wins that we didn’t imagine are waiting to be discovered. When the trail is difficult, and it will be in various moments, those hidden things are exactly what can help us to hold on and trust that impossible will become I’m possible even when the results isn’t what we planned on it being. After all, hope has a life of its own that, depending upon the circumstances and the meaning that it holds for an individual, can either be easily held onto or just as simply hidden in the shadows as a detail of what makes any story epic. As far as you are concerned and or as it pertains to someone else, have you ever been disappointed by a wish not coming true? Why did you feel that way? Were you able to find the unexpected beauty that would have been there too or was your field of view focused on your hope becoming exactly what you expected? Ryan’s addiction wasn’t just right for me, and his relapses were not a part of my goals. Those years were scary but because I had a specific purpose or way to get there, my “flipping out” as things didn’t go as planned actually fed the hell or hopelessness in him more than it helped. As we know though, when we are in the midst of anything it’s incredibly difficult to hold on to the feeling of hope while trusting that something positive will occur in the darkness whether you are an addict or not or facing some other type of challenge that exists along the way. Take the time to think about what you hope for, leaning in to experience it as an emotion rather than as a particular aim and then contemplate what your goals are with the idea that healing, sobriety or whatever is not a straight line through the flowers but rather a rollercoaster ride in the weeds that absolutely isn’t going to be just right. Hope has a life of its’ own and it can’t live if we limit it to the parts that we only want because when we do that, it becomes the feeling of hopelessness; the very thing that we don’t want. Today we are including one of Ashlee’s favorite music videos titled “Sober-Voice of an Addict” featuring KC Makes Music and Jordan Meyer. Words matter and the more we understand how we live through them as well as how others do, the better our possibilities are in finding those out of the blue wins and positive outcomes that we hope for and need in our so very Heavell lives. Be loud, be kind and be just right as you trip, fall, walk in circles and enfold change in your matter of time. Have the best day POSSIBLE for you. Love Always, Heavell

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