One of the best feelings that epic tales, music and our lives invoke in us is the happiness that we experience when we achieve a goal and then celebrate that success. Having moments like that helps to strengthen our beliefs in ourselves while also providing the encouragement that we need along our journeys’ and of course it always feels good to reward ourselves for overcoming or achieving something. Even trees, forests and fields salute life by blooming after the period of time where a part of their trails occurs during a difficult season that prevents their growth. What, though, makes the acknowledgment and the honoring of each joyous moment worthwhile? Imagine if epic tales were to become a shortened version where a single scene or a chapter conveyed that an objective had been achieved without using the incredible details of the characters and their challenges, feelings, missteps and battles with mystical creatures that make those narratives grand. Would you still read or watch movies about those lackluster stories where every outcome would be predictable with a goal being reached? Or what if everything in nature just continued to bloom without the time that is set aside for rest, would we even notice the beauty of it or be in awe of its possibilities anymore or would it all seem mundane because of the lack of change? Or what if every song were to only express the highs, would we even need a variety of artists to say the exact same thing that we have already heard? In other words, if everything we desired were to happen as we want without the difficulties, would we still be celebrating our successes, or would we now find ourselves wishing for a rollercoaster ride in hell or even throwing ourselves off of cliffs so that our journeys would become epic ones that involve all kinds of things that can be the representation of mystical beasts? Maybe it’s our belief that if everything were to be just right or have the appearance of that then our lives would be perfect too even though we don’t actually know that for a fact, although our opinion has us hoping that it is the truth. When I turn around and pass this way again, there are moments where grief speaks loud within me because of thoughts like “if only this had been just right or that had been” Ryan would still be here. The real truth is that I don’t know for sure that he would be even if everything had gone the way that I wanted and certainly there still would have been challenges, just different ones, and who knows, maybe I would have hated that trail as well. What has been done cannot be undone and it stands as it is but the power of it does not have to stay in the same form if we pardon or forgive the weeds, our own in particular, and then use what’s there to be stronger as well as to do this better today and tomorrow. It is, however, always all right to not be all right in every moment as long as we don’t stay in that place for too long preventing our growth or limiting ourselves to a single scene or chapter when we are so much more than that. Change is difficult when our field of view focuses on the “if only things had been just right” or “I am not possible if my life isn’t just right” especially since that is not what we are going through with in our so very heavell or authentic lives. After all, it’s not just about the flowers because without the difficulties, the wins would be uninspiring and unimaginative but then it’s hard to perceive of that when we are in the midst of anything, or our thoughts and feelings have us passing this way again and again while hoping for a different outcome. A better story will always be the one where the details hold not only what went right but also what was wrong as well as what has or can still be learned in our series of movements just like in those grand narratives that we connect to. This is your epic tale so be kind and be loud but also be curious because it’s not just about the flowers, they fade when always in the light, but rather about what can be found in the unexpected beauty or the out of the blue wins and the shading effect that comes from the difficulties along your way that make celebrating any kind of success worthwhile. Have the best day POSSIBLE for you because it’s most definitely not just about the flowers. Love Always, Heavell