There will always be feelings or people or even things that have the ability to disrupt or restrict our steps as we take our matter of time on our trails. When that happens it is simple enough for us to move right back into a behavior that we had hoped was left as a part of the yesterdays even though we all know that change that stays has never ever been an easy action to hold on to. When that adversity occurs, our courage that has helped us to believe that we are all right will disappear into the shadows leaving us to fear that we will never find it again or perhaps it’s that we doubt that we ever had it to begin with. Even the others in our lives can be filled with trepidation as the emergence of what has already been creates the uncertainty that any forward motion was in opinion, or maybe even in fact, not the real truth because fear and pain has a way of making it feel just like that. It is also so much easier for us to be aware of what has not been acceptable or at least has the appearance of being so than it is to reflect on every single all right moment that is a part of us as well. Have you ever noticed how the voice of one messy moment or part can control and even silence all the other things that are meant to help us breathe? It’s at those significant times of believing in being impossible, not the actual moments that we regress, that we lose ourselves. It is also the time when we feed the hell the most on the inside as well as around us. After all, we are usually so focused on the action of falling that we fail, another one of those dreaded “f” moments, to recognize that it is a response to what is already living in the place that needs us most. Word by word and moment by moment think about and then feel how you felt before you plummeted because it’s there that you can begin to get acquainted with yourself again. In other words, those falls reflect the collection of things within you that need for you to find understanding for them. Not to excuse what’s there but to recognize and illuminate how it has and will continue to effect you until you change the power of it. So let’s start with what you see in the mirror today. How does that image compare with what you saw in the yesterdays; even the one from long ago? What feels familiar; especially the things that are uncomfortable? Are there any differences now or is it really just more of the same? In that view of yours, though, be aware that there is a difference between what you believe has come together and not together for you and what you have accepted as you listened to the perspectives on the outside of yourself. It doesn’t have to be perfect but it does have to be you because you can’t change what isn’t yours to begin with and you can’t become the beauty found in someone else’s definition of it. Hello this is you and this is me. Sometimes we are worse but in other moments we are all right and occasionally we laugh until our stomachs hurt because we are just that fabulous. If you are going to do what I say then get ready for the fall because steps, also known as change and growth, are a series of movements that just happen to include tripping, going back, moving forward and walking in circles. No matter what has been in the yesterdays, today is the kind of day where you can cry here, be fearful as well as in pain, and then begin the movement of courage because sometimes the small things are the best place to just be who you are. Be loud and be kind while you have the best day possible for you since it doesn’t have to be perfect. Love Always, Heavell.