Dreams exist in our narratives to remind us to look outside of the present moment towards the tomorrows with the hope of breaking free from the continuity of the pages that we have been living.

They invite in the colors that add magic to the black and white words that we have written into our way of being and bring the kind of energy that makes it possible to imagine slaying the dragons that use our own thoughts to invalidate us.

The easiest of them, of course, are the ones that seemingly nurture us with their light and the hardest are the ones that have the power to define the spaces that hold our belief in ourselves.    

Of the many desires that we create over time, some will continue to walk with us as we move forward in pursuit of happiness but a few of them will fall loudly into our shadows as the reminders of what we like least about the history of things not turning out as we had wanted.

The take away from those failed wishes is that we are only capable of more of the same but just because we think those things should have been different, it doesn’t mean nor does it guarantee that they would have been better.

What if the dreams that didn’t go as planned stay near us not so that we may listen to what’s wrong with us but are there as a part of learning to open up space to hear the details that actually did work so that we may embrace that knowledge of ourselves and step again?

The past whispers to us to revisit the steep hills and debris of our journeys not as evidence that we are not enough but so that we may see the proof that although there has been sorrow, some of our solutions did get us through to this very moment.

Today calls to us to leave room for the absence of light along with the right weather because both sides give us something to use as well as takes something from us and we ourselves get to keep redefining what that means.

Tomorrow asks that we treat all of our spaces with curiosity because what’s growing in and around them won’t always look like what we imagine they should but they will always be the future seeds of what flourishes on our pages.

Sometimes we are the dragons that have interrupted our journeys by the consistent way in which we wear the idea of who we are instead of striding in our own style in the flow of the grief and the happiness that epic tales and dreams are truly made of.

Have the best day POSSIBLE for you. Love Always, Heavell

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