We can locate, buried, in the soil of our memories all of the dark and the light moments that we have planted there. Without even moving, we can trek through, again and again, every spot that holds our experiences while nourishing ourselves as well as those sites with our visits. How long we linger at each encounter depends on whether we are engrossed in the ones radiating a warmth that encompasses us like a hug or standing in the other places where the moisture spills over into the crevices of our hearts and slowly washes away our self-assurance. It’s no surprise that we would want to avoid the plots that are hurt-filled but as it happens, the best laid plans cannot prevent those types of emotions from finding a way to express themselves despite our efforts to look away or to keep our view on what we want. The idea is that if we don’t accompany or focus on our pain, it won’t follow us on our rides. Our hearts, though, will always call on us to find the different truths for our weight of the world that can show up to block the sun when there aren’t even any clouds in the sky to impede our sight of it. Take the word of the day, obsession, and encircle your perceived failures and feel how your fascination of leaning into their downside has reduced your belief about yourself into pieces which makes goals feel impossible in spite of a thing called hope. Now, rotate your view of blunders in order to press in close to hear the quieter communications of the root-systems of grief as they thrive beneath the surface of our miscues. So often our enthusiasm for growth has us wishing to turn pages with the hope that, around the next bend, our stories will blossom unhindered but time after time, the labyrinth of our dragons and life will reach out to halt those sprouts in the same manner that rose bushes climb over the plants that are in their way of having the best symmetry with the light. What we use as shelter on our trails frequently isn’t capable of helping us to feel safe because a fastened door meant to keep out the rain can still leak, and a different closed entryway prevents us from being curious about what additional songs can be created by rearranging the notes of the “F” melody that makes us cry. In the yesterdays, the phrase “here goes nothing” was a self-deprecating word choice that conveyed the idea that despite trying, nil would be the results. About several flowers ago, that cluster changed to represent that something would occur because even if it doesn’t work out, to attempt is to make an effort which is of course how everything begins. Hope is a shield that we carry with us as we walk and stumble along on our paths, but it isn’t a navigational system that will warn us about the firmly fixed roots of weeds or guide us away from the upcoming debris. Dreams are the visual proof that we can imagine writing in color, but we are the ones that have to move from the comfortableness and familiarity of painting with only the black and white hues. So here goes nothing on our heart journeys where every time we look upon our moments and our feelings, we have the opportunity to hold them and ourselves a little bit better by changing or reshaping what we have believed has been flourishing there. After all, just because we can see beauty in the light doesn’t mean that the growth of it hasn’t been happening in the dark as well.

Have the best day POSSIBLE for you. Love Always, Heavell