When we say that everything will be all right, it does not mean that the entirety of what we wish for will assemble as desired but that no matter how it comes together, we hope that we will eventually find our way through even if that is more than we can imagine right now.

When we feel broken, it is for all of the simple and complex marks that life has colored our hearts with and while that state may fluctuate with reminders or for no reason at all, we also have the space within ourselves to allow the contradictions of sadness and happiness to voice their coexistence in our stories.

When what we know about ourselves feels like an unfavorable mess on the inside, it can be hard to have confidence in who we are but if we can be certain about that lack of belief then we can also trust that we are capable of believing, it’s just that what we accept to be true is what we get to hold onto or let go of.

When we find ourselves in the weeds, the vulnerability of needing help adds to the fear that we are already experiencing as we survive moment by moment but the reason why our tears have no boundaries is so that we may learn to show up in our laughter as well as our pain just as they do.

When the twists and turns of our emotions leave us unable to find the words to describe how we feel, the beauty of colors is that each has both a dark and light hue and whatever version we choose for this day can also be magically changed by us to let it be expressed differently on every following day.

When we don’t recognize what we should do from the point that we are at, our past successes, no matter the size, are inherently important in reminding us that we have been filled with doubt before and yet overcame to get to this particular location of trying without the proof that we would be able to do so.

Our yesterdays were once the unforeseeable future and while we cannot return to redo what is living there, it is in those moments that we developed our very important way of speaking hope into our own stories.

Our tomorrows will continue life’s ability to be unpredictable and when negativity  threatens to remove our joy, that language created on our former pages will prompt us to recognize that it is still at home within us even though it was our wish to leave it behind.

Moving forth with the things that have held our defeat does not mean continuing to acknowledge the grief but that we change positions from carrying the pain to notice the strength and the courage that was also quietly developed in those same places.

Have your art whether simple is best or the sorrow rains from clouds because trust for ourselves is built through the truth of every single detail of ours and happiness is merely one particular in the stories of our lives that keep on life-ing in both the darkness and the light.

Have the best day POSSIBLE for you. Love Always, Heavell