Over the years, life is chained together on the inside of us; filled with our moments and feelings. It can feel as if there is never enough time to just be in the places that we love and always too many moments in the positions that we don’t want to be in. The real truth is that the best place to begin has always been right where you are; even if you hate being there. Step inside where you live so that you may find the understanding for what exists in the place that only you can see. What is in the words that you say to yourself; as well as to others? Whatever those words hold, all of it is waiting to be accepted by you. Can you do so especially when your words are filled with “f” moments, hurt, fear, anger and the BLAH? Part of your beauty can be found in your steps, walking in circles and even the falls; no matter the size or strength. You have always been so much more than what can be viewed right in front of you but this is you disappearing on the inside when you don’t believe in what your words hold for you. This is me and this is you finding our way in a life that is so very heavell. Have that moment of fear but also have that perception of courage that exists there as well; both live within you just as heaven and hell do. Have that fall, in your matter of time, but hold on because, in another moment or the next, it will be all right. What if you went word by word to see and feel the most powerful person in your life? Can you consent to being a circle of heavell; rather than just feeling and feeding the hell? A part can bring down a whole but it’s what your not dealing with that’s keeping you in the position that you don’t want to be in. Will you continue to have that or will you consent to being the beholder of heaven as well? I will wait right here with a box of tissues because addiction has always just been the green truth about essential and valuable circles of heavell. Together as a whole, let’s laugh and cry as hard as we exist word by defining word.

What the word addiction means to each of us is often confined to the place that we are at; existing in our positions as well as the pain, anger, beliefs and the BLAH. By only seeing the vision that is before us though, we continue to feed the hell; whether that is our intent or not. Is it a choice or is it a disease? No matter how much we consent to the green truth, a part or some parts can never ever equal a whole. Just as we need to listen to the all of ourselves, there is value in going through what can be perceived of from the positions of others; but never to be breathed into our hearts as our own perception. Have that understanding of yourself, word by word, but if its keeping you in the same place, as in walking in circles, then its time to view beyond what is just in front of you; which at times requires the words of others. To do this well, we have to be willing to recognize that we are the perfect people to bring hell. At times we have such a need to be heard that we fail to just listen to ourselves; and to do so for others. There is a saying that we use to empower our words “the truth hurts”. Those words, just like giving unwanted tissues and having a limited view, imply “I am not listening to how you feel nor to what you may see; especially when it is different from my own”. They consent to the continuing of cycles that repeat the yesterdays; despite expecting a different outcome today. This is me and this is you and we are existing through our words in a life that is so very heavell. Don’t fear being in the perfect place to step inside where you are or to hear words that hold distinct feelings for others. Adversity is a part of hell but it’s what you do with it that determines if it will become a step on the journey to heaven or not. The beauty has always been in your ability to change what you hate into what you love by going through; transferring the pain into understanding. Oh hell just be a perfectly, irritatingly, messy person who falls down, steps and walks in circles; while dragging chains filled with moments, feelings and words. Be the person who can speak from the inside and listen to the outside for you. I am sorry but you are going to need to have that box of tissues for yourself. I’m still finding my way, word by defining word, and there are going to be a lot more tears; for the yesterdays, for today and most likely for the tomorrows. Its all right because I am just being me; breathing in brave while picking my weeds and smelling my own flowers. See you soon. Love, Heavell