Everyone, no matter who he or she is, brings something in and takes something out in any given moment. What appears to be is never all that there is; no matter what we think we know or use as judgement. Each single part or person has a perspective that is essential; and as such must be seen as well as heard. One of the hardest undertakings is to acknowledge that full view of the all that has been; rather than to just know the one found at our own position. When addiction effects our lives, we become the perfect people to bring the hell by becoming overwhelmed with the hurt, the fear and the anger. It is easy enough to understand that the actions of others, especially those of addicts, effect us; as well as themselves in detrimental ways. What can be challenging is to realize that not all addicts are created equally despite addiction’s ability to love everyone across the board. Because of that, we cannot continue to expect that there is one thing that contributed to it or that will solve it or that all addicts must do exactly the same thing in order to overcome it. In fact the cycle of addiction, throughout the many, many years of its existence, has proven that as it evolves, we must as well in order to prevent the continued feeding of the hell; also known as feeding the growth of addiction. Just because things have been done in the past does not mean that we should continue with them today; especially since the how, the why, the when and the what have changed vastly. Whether an addict or not, find what you love in all the places that are available on the inside as well as the outside; in order to breathe in brave while laying down or walking in circles. None of us have come into addiction as solely a part and we cannot leave it as only a part either. If the loudest part is the hell, then turn and look in the mirror. Be amazed by the work and the creativity that’s gone into the creation of you; as well as the power that it took to cause you to fall. You are the perfect person to be different on the days that seem to be the same; because life, as well as addiction, has never ever been that simple. Please hold on as another moment is coming and it just might be all right.

During this past week, a dear childhood friend of Ryan’s found his sometime warrior on the inside in order to help his friend who had lost his way. He and his sister have already lost several friends to heroin over-doses; choosing to stand in hopes that one will be lifted up. Also during this time, a mother in a store line broke down while telling a stranger that her son is a heroin addict. Within her words “it’s killing me as well as him” is the weight of the world; as felt in the heart of the beholder and as such is not open to judgement. Both of those moments contained fear and courage. Each also possessed heaven as well hell; as someone fell and another stood. We should also be aware of the stranger in line and the others who perceived of these views on the circle of heavell with kindness and grace; rather than just seeing their own. We can grieve for the fear, the suffering, the loneliness and the loss but we must also find happiness in the discovery of voices and sometime warriors; as well as the compassion and the acknowledgment of others. We all, whether an addict or not, need support as we do and don’t do the things that we should and shouldn’t. We need the moments where hope comes out of the shadows and helps us to breathe in brave; especially when fear has a hold of our hand instead of the other way around. It is easy enough to find what we hate within ourselves as well as others; to judge and to justify. The challenge is to find what we love; giving it the equal consideration that it deserves. We are either a part of the problem or a part of the solution. One requires us to remain the same and the other demands change; if we are scared to then we should just say so. It’s up to us whether we continue to feed the hell or we choose to feed the heaven; knowing that one is detrimental to all and the other has the ability to lift the fallen. What if in a moment like this you were to accept that you are so very heavell; even on the days that seem to be the same? What if you were to realize that from your position, you have always had the ability to see both the heaven and the hell; of the anything and the everything? Its just never ever been that simple to find what we love when we spend so much time breathing in what we hate.

One of the most powerful things that we can ever give to others is the gift of a hug; through our words, our silence when they speak or physically as they lay fallen from the weight of the world. Find what speaks to your heart as you go through this; not just the people, places, things or substances that agree with your hell but will help you find the beauty that lives everywhere. There are many wonderful groups out there so bring something in and take something out; until you find the one or the many that help you breathe. One group that continues to fight for change in how we see and deal with addiction is wethevillage.co; a place where the loved ones of addicts can find and give a hug, as well as a vast array of information, through an online community that’s open 24/7. Find them at their website at http://www.wethevillage.co/ or on Instagram @wethevillage.co or village on Facebook

You shouldn’t be here but you are so just know that you are not alone; whether an addict or not. Together we can stand in Heavell.