Our journeys hold both pain and beauty and within that duality is the opportunity for us to not only be a work of art in progress but also a masterpiece to be admired at the same time.
We can miss who different would have brought and we can celebrate being here.
We can have space that collects grief and courage that sees no boundaries.
We can dream of liking ourselves and be lovable in unlikable moments.
We can frame what keeps us down and be free of the noise of dragons.
We can be at a loss for words and vibrant in hearing ourselves.
We can appear as we always have and show up differently without turning the page.
We can be afraid of the dark and safe within the warmth of our homes.
We can be diversified in messiness and unified by the uniqueness of our communities.
We can be confused about what’s ahead and walk with determination regardless of lighting.
We can experience the darker pallet of tears and cry from the laughter about shadows.
We can identify with unhappy and happily color outside of the lines.
We can lose hope in reaction to action and dance to the tune of possibilities.
We can fall while sitting and be balanced in standing in weather that hurts.
We can whisper weakness and sing with the strength of a forest.
We can be far from a desired outcome and grow blooms without ever making it out of the weeds.
We can be alone in a group and not be lonely in the solitude of a journey.
We can breathe in the ugliness and be the beauty that comes up to meet it.
We can look in the mirror and forgive our ways of having survived.
We can be where history lingers and write a different story.
We can be the war that rages and the peace that brings hope.
And we can think it is never ending and layer insight to break patterns.
Even though one feels darker than the other, the shinier side isn’t more valuable because pain frames sections of the work of art in progress and beauty lovingly details parts of the masterpiece.
A favorite story is the journey of the friendship slowly being built in the plenty of our own so very heavell lives.
Have the best day POSSIBLE for you. Love Always, Heavell
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