If we think about the expression to hide, also known as to darken, whatever is in need of being dealt with has not gone away nor has been changed but is simply waiting in the shadows to find it’s way into being conveyed. Our closing of doors in order to conceal those messes and the pain then is just like the masking of those same things through the use of substances. What’s not there though is our ability to prevent that hell from illuminating itself from behind a closed door, through anger or in the use of substances or even the BLAH. Those parts and moments that we have not found understanding for, by accepting and then changing our view of them, subsequently become what defines many more pieces even when we are unaware that they are; persisting as a cycle or the repeating of what has already been. It is mostly impossible then to believe I’m possible when we are only acknowledging and trying to be some of who we are. After all, together and not together is not just a place for some nor is the hiding of what we don’t want to feel or to be seen only located on some trails. A different truth then is that those small things of ours can hold the weight of the world and the big things can be as light as a feather despite our view that has been the opposite of that. What’s more even the word beauty can’t be defined by one person, place or thing because it lives in the anything and the everything; surprisingly also in the things that we hate and hide. Falls and walking in circles may appear only to reflect flaws or being flawed but they are actually the beginning of what is meant to be so much more but your view, especially when limited, affects your matter of time there. Just like substance abuse which appears to only be hell when it actually can become the superpower that makes impossible into I’m possible. The fact and the opinion then is that the strength of what you hide will continue to stay that way on the inside until you fling open the door and turn the light on yourself. In other words, that nothing that came from nowhere has always been incredibly important in the place that needs you most so show up for you. What will always be is the presence of weeds and flowers from the yesterdays right into the tomorrows but what you carry and walk on determines if you feel all right or not. You can change the existence in any given moment by understanding why you have emotionally defined your words as you have and then turning around to find a different perspective of them. As a bringer of hell and the beholder of heaven, you have always been the perfect person to come as you are. Just keep breathing because tomorrow promises to be the kind of day where you can laugh until your stomach hurts at the “f” moments and cry because of the beauty that can be found wherever you are. Unless of course you go that way, in which case I will just wait right here until you are ready to come as you are in a life that has always been so very heavell for every dream whether here or not.