A Page #325

A Page #325

Time does not make choices easier for us but over time the repetition of the companion words that we keep around fill the spaces between the yesterdays and today as the evidence of what was as well as what we fear will continue to be in the tomorrows.

There isn’t anything in our environment that says we have to transport those familiar options with us and yet we believe that we are trapped within their boundaries so we remain in their replication even though we hope for something different.

No matter what has been on our journeys, we don’t have to keep reminding ourselves about the moments that the sun wasn’t shining as our thoughts have already mapped the details of those marks while our hearts have projected the preserved grief of them, page after page.

And as those feels have had the freedom to bleed through, carrying that weight of the world has appeared to prevent our progress even though its not the presence of those things but rather how we have gotten use to being amongst them without even liking them.

Our past isn’t asking us to let go of a page or a lot of our sheets simply because the mess doesn’t reflect our best artwork but it does want us to imagine that what we needed in those prior moments is something that we are now capable of surrounding the yesterdays with.     

Changing what has been so close and confining requires our moving through the consideration of who we were when our knowledge provided the view that we were stuck rather than allowing us to see that we were actually unsure of what to do with the experiences that had been enfolding us.

Having the space to create doesn’t mean that we have to do something with it until we are ready to choose showing up for our better stories that will always include flowers that don’t bloom and ones that surprise us as well as weeds that cling to us and some we never even notice.

It’s okay not to have all of the words or the answers because with a little shuffling, the black and white of our sorrow and regret can become colorful just by expanding the partners that they are connected to.

A page will feel empty before it feels full and if we are going to hope for things to fill it with, then let us repeatedly wish for our moments to be bordered by understanding up till enough time has passed for that word to become a familiar and comfortable companion along the uncharted trails of our so very heavell lives.  

Have the best day POSSIBLE for you. Love Always, Heavell

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Passing Through #324

Passing Through #324

Sorrow from yesterday’s choices can create indecisiveness in our movements with tomorrow’s options and even our hope can’t dissuade us from carrying the repetition of that kind of pain on the hidden resumes that we take with us everywhere we go.  

There’s nothing wrong with feeling deeply in the place that houses all that we are but those vibes can lead to the unreliable belief that our mirror holds the reminders of what didn’t go as planned when really those images are looking for clarity on the things that we want to talk about the least.

No matter how long we have been residing in a feeling, a thought or a particular position, we don’t have to continue to stay in any energy that doesn’t allow us to be flexible in changing our decisions about what serves us and what doesn’t whenever we need to.  

So if our idea has been that there is acceptance for what is correct while not allowing understanding for what isn’t, then perhaps that contrast has been holding us back by clouding our view of how choosing an option actually works for each of us.

After all, the key to whether a selection is right or not often requires our first stepping into an unnavigated experience to see how its colors mix with ours before we can actually celebrate its addition to our pages or decide that its not in our best interest but still something to learn from as we move away.

There are no guarantees that flowers will appear from error-free action or that they will be beautiful but then there also aren’t any assurances that weeds and shadows don’t help to create blooms except when we select the choice that its impossible for them to do so.

The light looks different when we realize that walking our messy paths includes finding the evidence of working options by passing through the rehearsal of the ones that don’t and that our potential isn’t determined in either place but in what we decide to say so if necessary, make another selection and then go from there.  

Have the best day POSSIBLE for you. Love Always, Heavell  

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Collaboration #323

Collaboration #323

When relief from our weather isn’t something that we know is right around the bend, not giving up sometimes means making decisions in the moment that may take up space in the tomorrows as regret, adding to the presence that sorrow already holds in our stories.

We see those moving parts as further proof of our letting ourselves down but while that storyline does have a way of enabling our losing ourselves into nothingness, it also has the ability to help us find that something can come from the choices that we feel remorse for.

In the dark, the light feels comforting and safe and in the weeds, flowers are a welcome reprieve from what makes us uncomfortable and hurts however it isn’t really the unwanted things on our trails that makes us doubt ourselves but rather our alignment to every contributing mark that exists for us.

After all, we actually learn more from our being off target then we do from our being precise but because we have been equating unhappiness with being wrong and happiness as being right, our imperfect steps have us believing that our stories don’t go well long before we have even turned the page.

So what if all of our moments are worthy of a second look with the idea that joy has never been conditional upon our not being sad just as the grip of our tears of distress do not disqualify liquid spilling from our eyes as we laugh until our stomachs hurt?

We are all just living in the colors and words of our stories and those items are meant to be expanded or replaced or even allowed to fade to the back as we discover what works and what doesn’t on journeys that hold climbs and falls that are never accurate but are always ours to progress on.  

Our regrets are the things that make us blue and yet that hue is also what we look for in the sky to validate that a storm is passing, so allow yourself to be mistaken because the lines of today could say exactly the same as yesterday but the collaboration of your movements can make who you are a safe place to be even if you feel unhappy.

Have the best day POSSIBLE for you. Love Always, Heavell

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Say it Right #322

Say it Right #322

Tucked comfortably between the hues of green and violet is the color of blue and over the course of our lives, our understanding of what it defines has changed from a pigment that is used to depict the sky and water to being a single word that represents the unhappy feels that we have.

Technically blue is the correct term to bundle grief together with but it’s generalization doesn’t touch on the deeper meaning of the experiences and custom-made emotions that actually make up why each of us carry sadness.

The challenge of that art is that what it encompasses for one isn’t the same for all which leaves many feeling unheard and stuck in the confusion of the favorite cast that sorrow has taken to join us with.  

No one asks for that kind of multi-toned item to be something that they know intimately and yet it’s the type of dragon that doesn’t actually need a reason to exist nor does it care where anyone is or what they look like when it does decide to show up.

And if that particular version has convinced us that it is who we are, we will prove that it is true and while there may be evidence to support that obvious choice, it isn’t always the one that we should make for ourselves.

So when unwanted context enfolds us, we don’t have to think positively about our lives but we can keep trying by committing to being certain that we will eventually find our way to the other forms that also hold our presence.

Blue was never meant to be a word to be lost in or a color-wash that appears perfectly on some trails so when we voice it, we need to say it right so that the validation of it belongs to us as individuals rather than our struggling to fit ourselves into what it means for someone else.

It has never just been about the flowers or even the weeds because both can factually begin with blue and then emerge over time through colors that we have yet to imagine as being a part of our stories.      

Have the best day POSSIBLE for you. Love Always, Heavell  

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And So It Goes #321

And So It Goes #321

Grief is a vulnerable and permanent journey that appears in many forms and although each of us know it in some manner, it does not breathe the same in any of our hearts nor do the details of our experiences read alike in our individual stories.

For a few, it has the ability to randomly pull them back into the history of the past by uncovering the knowledge of their losses even when the lighting is just right and they are no where near those moments from the yesterdays.

A portion hold a pain that knows no boundaries in the gardens of their lives and although they try to create the walls that will contain its growth, for some, it will somehow still cast shadows and seep into the beds of their dreams and hopes for happiness.

Several carry it as the reminders that they have been changed by being enfolded by its events even though their reflection in the mirror remains as a familiar one.

For others it is a rollercoaster of emotions and blooming thoughts that affect their ability to cope, to show up and to communicate not only with others but especially with themselves.    

For even more, the timeless messages of sorrow are present in the energy of their steps and their desire that who they are tomorrow, will have finally made sense of the pain that they can’t seem to leave behind today.

For most, its power lies not in the volume or type but by simply being the marks of their travels that have found a way to bleed through page after page, muddying their art no matter how careful they try to be with their brushstrokes and words.

What grief is not, regardless of who it belongs to, is an experience to get over, a single mountain to climb, a place for judgement or something to compare because rejecting the bonds that we individually hold with our struggles only validates why they should continue to flourish.

The conflict is not that we are embraced by those encounters but that we have yet to understand that our unrehearsed trails have the space for us to laugh, cry, love and fall however it is ourselves who fear the weather, the darkness and the weeds.

And so it goes with sometime warriors whose hearts have been touched by the loss of people, places and things and recovering from that grief isn’t in letting them go but in noticing with curiosity how we have coped before so that we may use that as the guides for the goals of doing it differently today.       

Have the best day POSSIBLE for you. Love Always, Heavell

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Interrupted #320

Interrupted #320

Dreams exist in our narratives to remind us to look outside of the present moment towards the tomorrows with the hope of breaking free from the continuity of the pages that we have been living.

They invite in the colors that add magic to the black and white words that we have written into our way of being and bring the kind of energy that makes it possible to imagine slaying the dragons that use our own thoughts to invalidate us.

The easiest of them, of course, are the ones that seemingly nurture us with their light and the hardest are the ones that have the power to define the spaces that hold our belief in ourselves.    

Of the many desires that we create over time, some will continue to walk with us as we move forward in pursuit of happiness but a few of them will fall loudly into our shadows as the reminders of what we like least about the history of things not turning out as we had wanted.

The take away from those failed wishes is that we are only capable of more of the same but just because we think those things should have been different, it doesn’t mean nor does it guarantee that they would have been better.

What if the dreams that didn’t go as planned stay near us not so that we may listen to what’s wrong with us but are there as a part of learning to open up space to hear the details that actually did work so that we may embrace that knowledge of ourselves and step again?

The past whispers to us to revisit the steep hills and debris of our journeys not as evidence that we are not enough but so that we may see the proof that although there has been sorrow, some of our solutions did get us through to this very moment.

Today calls to us to leave room for the absence of light along with the right weather because both sides give us something to use as well as takes something from us and we ourselves get to keep redefining what that means.

Tomorrow asks that we treat all of our spaces with curiosity because what’s growing in and around them won’t always look like what we imagine they should but they will always be the future seeds of what flourishes on our pages.

Sometimes we are the dragons that have interrupted our journeys by the consistent way in which we wear the idea of who we are instead of striding in our own style in the flow of the grief and the happiness that epic tales and dreams are truly made of.

Have the best day POSSIBLE for you. Love Always, Heavell

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