A Bit of This #363

A Bit of This #363

Once upon a time, the plot of hope led to a happiness on the other side of suffering but what if that gate keeping has unconsciously prevented experiencing happily ever after in the colors of the moments of the places where we really need it?

It was inevitable that our stories would contain hopes that were lost, and that our way of thinking would not run out of unhappy responses to cover and shrink the creativity that follows in our works of art.   

And of course, nothing of ours has felt more isolating than the imprints of what cannot be unseen mixed in with the fear of the tomorrows that would also surely sing loudly about what we still don’t see eye to eye with.

And since we have never had any other kind of relationship with the vulnerability of our grief, endings have overshadowed any progress, and silence has bloomed from the nourishment of darkness before any questions could ever begin to bud. 

But the truth is that even when we are on a path that appears to be the right one, there will still be many days that include disappointment and exhaustion from all the trying as well as plans that don’t work out.

But regardless of the presence of any storms, we can’t let the propagating keepsakes that distract us from finding what’s winsome in the unlikable, fool us into believing that happiness isn’t valuable unless everything is just so.

Not every hope will end in enjoyment but because we contain too much to stay in the conditions of some dream, joy wordlessly hovers underneath the surface, quietly waiting to feed at least a smile and at most laughter that makes our stomachs hurt.

I don’t know if I would have done anything different if I had had a glimpse that the hello of the greatest hope that I have ever held would end up being the biggest good-bye in my life.

But in comparing where I am now with those once upon a time pages, the diversity of the symphony of colors that make my feelings not just felt but seen, is revealing the intricate parts of happily ever after in the unhappiness of what devastatingly didn’t work out.

There is no doubt that we have happiness on our minds but it’s time to take it out of the view of a plot that would have us thinking that there is only one conception of it and expand it into one in which its made up of a bit of this as well as some of that. 

Have the best day POSSIBLE for you. Love Always, Heavell 

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A Step Ahead #362

A Step Ahead #362

Through the process where not everything works out, a flower soaks up what is useful so that all of its petals may unfold their way to its beauty and while not all plants will end up blooming, there’s room for possibilities.

For in those that are lost, there’s still the content of what’s useful, what isn’t and what is ours to take forward as nourishment for the next quests.

To give ourselves everything that we need so that we may embrace the journey instead of never recovering from being stuck on what didn’t exactly bloom along it.

And how that hope is spoken into our stories either shifts it into a travel companion that paints outside of the lines or keeps it spinning from the noise of dragons.

And we don’t have to seek out that despair because we carry it so very easily while attaching hope to balance out what hasn’t worked for us. 

But wanting more from a hope that we haven’t really understood as it relates to our stories almost ensures that it remains closed, and rubble is found in the potential that failed to unfold in its own unique way. 

Because we are not used to holding hope open so that it may be closer to us through the flow of details that touch our gardens without a promised win that would prevent being unkind in our very own homes.     

Hope allows us to see ourselves from a perspective that is different from the art that has conditioned us through that which has already been ours.           

But open hope holds the opportunity to find that we did do some things well in the marks that have made it inconvenient and difficult to believe and value ourselves.

Up until now, we have supported the thought that hope is about envisioning better but on journeys where not everything works out, a step ahead is often merely choosing the content of what’s useful to comfort and nourish the unknowns of our very real lives.

Have the best day POSSIBLE for you. Love Always, Heavell 

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Onto the Next #361

Onto the Next #361

At the start of a hope, desire mixes excitement and expectations along with dashes of doubt and fear to lift us from the limitations of what is into the safe space of imagination of the different that we have never been.

Those imagined places give us the freedom to see ourselves in the best light while being the main characters in stories where the weather always hits us and dragons keep us unbalanced with their noises. 

But even though we have a long history of engaging with much-needed dreams as some sort of location to get to, over time, the vulnerability of yet to be realized hopes shape-shifts us back into a feeling of nothingness.   

And so, we are unkind to ourselves by letting go of a little more of our beliefs in our possibilities as if the original inspiration had only been a borrowed feature and time was up on its participation on our pages. 

But what hope is intended for isn’t necessarily the beacon that our gaze has been upon, and it would be a shame for us to surround our ideas of it with the same limitations that we have been dreaming of getting away from.

No matter what we do, unsuccessful hope will imprint on us, but within that profound silence is the magic of the nourishment of how it all went despite a failure to bloom.

This is me, and I know now that my greatest loss of hope will always exist within my home but that there is also joy in that suffering by having shown up in my perfectly imperfect sometime warrior ways without the promise of my dream being able to come true.

So today, with the possibilities of some future hope also failing, I take my weather with me because it connects me to all the spaces of my life, for they are who I am from happiness to grief and back again, sometimes all day long.         

It takes imagination to hope, courage to fail and time to locate unseen wins in the losses so move onto the next one, because you deserve to find comfort in an open hope instead of being confined within the lines of just right.

Have the best day POSSIBLE for you. Love Always, Heavell

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Our Hope #360

Our Hope #360

What is hope for if not to imagine a better tomorrow from the space that we are but what if that change is about finding who we really are in the reflection of who we think we are not?

What if our hope is a flower created from the unwanted and it isn’t ever empty even when it doesn’t happen?  

What if our hope is about recognizing that we do advance in some manner regardless of missteps or preconceived ideas?

What if our hope’s purpose is to quietly pour nourishment into our soil so that we can invite flowers to bloom but still be all right if they don’t? 

What if our hope is telling us that our own tight boundaries haven’t been letting light in?

What if our hope is reminding us that we are assuming that the weight of yesterday’s sorrow must be carried the same way into the tomorrows?

What if our hope is really our courage in disguise but we haven’t had the confidence to define it in our stories like that?           

What if our hope balances all that we are against the noise of the dragons that tell us all that we are not?

What if our hope is the magic in the dark that is meant to be held in our hearts and not always in our hands?

What if our hope’s value as a tool in our artwork is most often expressed in ordinary moments?

What if our hope controls the space of the best days and otherwise, articulating the beauty that exists wherever we are?

What if our hope always brings what we need even though what it gives back isn’t always what we imagined we wanted?

When we haven’t heard from our hope, we get through it by opening it up so that it may move on our pages, turning past marks on the walls and captions into trustworthy steps whether wishes would come true or not. 

Have the best day POSSIBLE for you. Love Always, Heavell      

A Bit of a Rough Patch #359

A Bit of a Rough Patch #359

The first step of change is to have hope but as within the community of perfectly imperfect things, not all of the pieces in the process are beautiful nor do they always make sense in the storytelling of our very own art.

And when we turn around to look into all the hope that we have held onto on our travels, we are caught in the undertow of the losses because the home language of hope is about getting what we want not about what happens along the path towards it. 

Hope, though, is much bigger and often what we forget are the things that are meant to nourish us on the longer journey of getting to the other side of a dream as well as all of the future ones. 

So how would you feel if you were only a couple of steps ahead of the place that some idea of different was created from moments and emotions picked up along the way?

Would your thoughts say to that wish “here I come” or would that point still be far enough away from what you want that you would slowly begin to breathe in maybe?

If you knew that part of the details of hope is staying in one spot or others for longer than desired, would you still believe that you are losing or would you remind yourself to just hold on because most hope requires a long game?

Can you find a way to put down any doubt that whispers but still lean into the reminder that you are possible with or without the proof that you will get there?

What would you change about your wishes and thoughts if you were aware that the reality of hope on the outside has the ability to stretch thin the delicate ones that live on the inside and that it has nothing to do with who you are?   

Our norm has been to add unmaterialized hope onto our pages as the loud grief of defeat, however hope is not really an item or location but rather a quiet connection between where we are and the next version of ourselves that we get to create over time.  

This is me and what my greatest loss of hope has to say is that to dream about what was so uncertain was powerful, especially in the presence of dragons, and even though it didn’t make sense nor was it beautiful, it was the moving towards that idea that grew strength not what ended up happening.

It would be a shame to let go of hope in the conditions of a bit of a rough patch because within the pieces of the very community that lives in our homes, we can have losses right alongside our gains and still be all right with our artistry.

Have the best day POSSIBLE for you. Love Always, Heavell 

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Living the Hope #358

Living the Hope #358

All around us the magic of hope is the exploration of cutting a new path through the familiar by venturing into the soil of determination to test whether the vulnerability that change brings will allow us to flourish or leave us wandering in some other kind of different.

There are times when that possibility is so powerful that we are warriors bent on moving mountains and others that are just simple changes but mixed in with the ideas of hope are the shadows of the thoughts about how we should have already done what we should have known to do all along.  

The more we respond to that discomfort dancing across our pages, the more particular lines are written, creating a narrative of doubt that makes it easier to meet the dark even when there’s light and we are hopeful.

Hope means different things in different moments, and it can show up to feel like anything or nothing because it isn’t an advancement to wishes coming true but an understanding that regardless of what happens, what we take from it must be sorted through as well.

As I turn around to look at a lifetime of artistry, I can see where hope was gently planted, jammed into the soil and flourished as imagined or not as every single detail and feeling is where I have lived.

All of it kept me going and waited patiently while I grieved because despite the outcomes, the determination to hold possibilities was behind every hope and the uncomfortableness of feeling weak was being supported by the quiet strength of trying to move even if I didn’t know how to.      

The weight has shifted as I have chosen to show up to see what else existed in the past and how in this very moment, whether right or wrong, I can do it better for myself.

A little at a time what’s in my hope is expanding so that if it is lost, the communication isn’t that I am not enough but that there is more potential to be had and that I will eventually find it.  

A story, piece by piece through the eyes of hope, unfolds like the life cycles of a garden where periods of barrenness and debris and weeds aren’t necessarily beautiful or wanted but the answers that come from them are in their own stages and time.

Take the lead in understanding how you are living the hope because even when it loses its appeal from being perfectly imperfect, the magic can cut a new view through yesterday’s familiar making it harder for the dark to enfold you in the unknowns of the tomorrows.

Have the best day POSSIBLE for you. Love Always, Heavell   

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