Don’t Worry About the Weather #283

Don’t Worry About the Weather #283

Days awaken with beginnings and conclude with endings all the while being filled with our moments and as each new period emerges, what has been on the previous pages is not what we should believe about ourselves as they exist just as pieces of the tales that need to be told.  

Locations can become comfortable places for us to remain in even when we are distressed in those positions because fear makes it seem far safer to stay within what’s familiar than it is to venture into the unknown in the sunlight around the bend.

Hope is the nourishment that our seeds of possibilities need because without it, we would fall back from our “f” moments and never imagine or try stepping forward again.

Flowers are the colorful visuals of the things that we want just as dragons represent the things that we don’t desire but together those two very descriptive words share the similarity of materializing in a variety of forms that we are often unable to easily recognize simply because we think they should look like what’s found in the stories of others.

Storms dilute our feelings of love and happiness restricting our ability to show up for ourselves but when we practice the act of living them, they slowly change from periodic emotional encounters into the beams that light our way whether the sun is concealed from our view or not.

Smiles can be used to hide what appears to be our imperfections but when we embrace the marks found within us, we grow the grins that depict the stages of our works of art in progress.

People, places and things will disrupt our movements and muddy our palettes but by expressing our own true colors, we paint the beauty of the rainbows that come from the joining of our particular sun and rain.

And journeys are not just about getting to a destination because once we arrive at that wished for point, its value, like the excitement for it, will eventually fade but what we learn about ourselves as we navigate through the prickles will always be the best blooms that take with us.

So don’t worry about the weather because in a life that is so very heavell, the most perfect days can hold weeds of unhappiness that stick with us and the scary dark ones can contain lights that we can trust to lead the way.

Have the best day POSSIBLE for you. Love Always, Heavell

What Sticks #282

What Sticks #282

Do you believe that someone’s smile can be seen as a beacon in another person’s stormy day even if that individual is in the rain as well?

Do you believe that a song, through its lyrics, notes and tempo, can give voice to the feelings that a variety of people just haven’t quite been able to convey themselves?

Do you believe that black and grey colors can represent a great love despite their normally being viewed as either gloomy or intense?

All of those things require imagination in order to visualize them as something other than what we would typically think of. The same can be said about change and our desire for it because it’s a slow process that we can easily become dissuaded from when we find ourselves feeling and seeing what we are use to because of its familiarity in our lives. It’s a little like wishing for brightness in the tomorrows as we look back down our path staying focused on our marks of distress and darkness while still hoping that some kind of light will find us. How we make sense of the magic of transformation is by understanding that we have to move through what is in the way such as the limited definitions of the words in our stories so that in the times that we can’t trust that our smiles are from happiness, we can still be all right.

Do you believe that each day begins with a blank canvas or an empty page so that we may keep attempting to narrate our kinds of epic tales in better manners as we discover more and more about ourselves?

Do you believe that within the chaos of the items that what we don’t want there are also the parts that hold the proof of growth and possibilities?

Do you believe that seeds will develop roots and perhaps some type of buds depending upon their environment and what we fertilize them with?

Those sentences are merely words that have been placed together in a particular order much like how brush strokes join different hues to impart the visual of an encounter. The power of what they connect to depends upon what rhythm is beating in our hearts and sometimes our reaction will feel really strong as what we are meeting with on the inside is also what we focus upon on the outside. Turn by turn, though, that can be modified by recognizing the things that haven’t been working for us all along even if they have been a comfortable place for us to lay down in.

Do you believe that our needing to change is an indication that we require different ways to nourish ourselves particularly across our emotional experiences?

Do you believe that its achievable to move forward without being uncomfortable on at least some of the areas of our rides?

Do you believe that it is possible to show up and love ourselves even when we don’t like all that we are or have been?     

Too much of anything isn’t good for us because it leads to what sticks, limiting our ability to find all the ways that light actually exists in and around our travels in the darkness as well as encouraging us to think that simple definitions won’t restrict our series of movements as long as we have hope. Curiosity and compassion for ourselves helps us to foster our stories by moving our view on how we approach the change that we need as well as the reshaping that enfolds us whether we want it to or not. In all that glitters, what sticks is not meant to stay because it’s a balancing act as we add and leave behind both the sun and the rain.

Have the best day POSSIBLE for you. Love Always, Heavell

The Same #281

The Same #281

Throughout our lives we are aware of people, places and things that we think are in need of fixing, including ourselves.

What’s not there, though, is the understanding that how we approach the knowledge that change is necessary determines whether we see ourselves as belonging in the category of broken items or the one in which a different nurturing is essential for growth.

Transformation requires us to believe that we are indeed possible in order for us to truly engage in it but it’s pretty hard to imagine being a mystical beast slayer or the writer of a story of love when we find ourselves listed with fragmented objects that are usually tossed aside.

Modification begins at the point where we recognize what hasn’t worked for us but that idea isn’t just about our missteps on our journeys as it also includes perceiving of the actions that we have attempted in order to help ourselves that haven’t worked despite giving it our all.

Learning what’s best in encouraging our blooming is a slow process of trial and error in search of the success of what connects with our individual selves not the hunt for proof of being impossible regardless of the murmurings of dragons that imply that’s who we are.

Continuing to pass by the view that we have repeatedly stared at and breathed in persuades us to separate parts of ourselves such as strength and pain as well as courage and fear as if having one means that we can’t also be holding the hand of the other or that the value of the sun far exceeds the rain even though everything needs both in varying amounts in order to thrive.

Feelings are situational and while it may seem like happiness is a dream to get to in the tomorrows, traveling the path of discovering how to show up for ourselves includes being all right with not being all right when the clouds come rolling in because joy doesn’t disappear when we are in the weeds but we may have to wait a little longer to locate it’s less obvious position within ourselves.

So look in the mirror and ask yourself this question, “What is it that I don’t like about myself?” Breathe while being honest with your answer. Now invite what you do like about yourself to be seen as well and if that’s harder to do then practice at it because it means you have been too comfortable with growing the vocabulary seeds that keep you on the needing to be fixed list when you are not actually broken.

After all, colors can be changed to fit how we feel in our moments but we remain the same in our capabilities within that fluctuation.

Musical notes are rearranged every day to create new songs but the sound that each individual one makes remains the same within those opportunities.

Love can be defined by a single term or millions can come together and still not quite express it but the feeling of it remains the same in every experience of it.

And words can be planted in the fields of our hearts and minds but what flourishes depends upon what we focus on but we remain the same in being viable no matter how long it takes for us to recognize that we need to nurture ourselves.

Have the best day POSSIBLE for you. Love Always, Heavell

Just Right #280

Just Right #280

We like to be happy not just because it feels good but for the reason that it doesn’t require the presence of hope nor the sun in order for its warmth to be felt in our hearts.

Even the memories of our joy from long ago experiences can bring a smile onto our faces well into the tomorrows.

We take exception with our darkness because it’s existence calls for us to integrate those gloomy feelings and that kind of transformative process is laced with dragons and thousands of prickle bushes which isn’t what we dream of.

It would be so much easier if we could hold onto what we want as we walk while casting away from ourselves the unwanted as if they were handfuls of dirt simply tossed into the wind to land anywhere other than where we are.

Along every journey, though, there are always spots that get too much or too little of a variety of things making it hard to cultivate what we desire regardless of goals and that thing called hope that we carry in our tool bags.

Its as if those specific places have unique points of view that don’t take our wishes into consideration as they sing their off-key “f” note songs.

Perhaps its that the definitions and values of those patches have been underrated as we perceive them as being what prevents us from moving forward when really they help us to define the why we want to go a particular way.

Different seeds need individual nourishment as well as certain environments while growing at contrasting rates and weeds are just clumps of un-utilized fertilizer that is meant to feed the blossoms of understanding that we need as we travel along our paths in our so very heavell lives.

Imagine expecting a rainbow to appear without the sunlight and the moisture from the rain working together to create it or if it never showed up unless it was promised it would perfectly touch the land at the beginning and the end of itself.

Or hoping that a tropical plant will thrive in an area where the sun beats down with very few moments of shade and what little wetness that does come struggles to penetrate the hardness of the soil.

Or to anticipate being happy in the moment that we are actually in when our view believes it’s a destination that we have either already left behind or a location somewhere down the trail that we might never get to.

In our stories of love that have typically been written in black and white, the very essence of the idea of change invokes our holding our breath as it reminds us of the gloom that resides within us and the things that appear to be missing from us as well.

So lean in to hear those parts that seem to be the marks in our gardens or the debris found along our journeys as they are waiting to be combined or mixed in as the nutrients that make the forecast for our transformation just right for who we are and what we are working with.

Have the best day POSSIBLE for you. Love Always, Heavell    

Under the Sun #279

Under the Sun #279

Yesterday holds our unified and yet isolating accounts that haven’t felt good nonetheless tomorrow contains the unmarked pages waiting for us to color ourselves differently including the black and gray hues that can represent our favorite pigments.

Yesterday carries our hope that was created from what we have dreamed of but tomorrow we maintain the definition of that inspiring thing by knowing why we want to achieve it.

Yesterday nudges us with the reminder of all of our missteps however tomorrow prompts us to turn around to see that sometimes we have to go back in order to determinedly push forward.

Yesterday grips the moments that we wish with all of our hearts we could change still tomorrow supports transforming what has been into what we now understand better about ourselves as well as others.

Yesterday we believed that we did not belong all the same tomorrow leverages that closed door open so that we may let ourselves into all beneficial connections that help us to go through.

Yesterday the darkness was made up of weeds and pain but tomorrow that gloom will move from the “f” word known as foes to the one recognized as friends.

Yesterday our tunes repeated the beats of the loud voices that we often listened to when we shouldn’t have even so tomorrow we will sing and hear the songs that are kinder to ourselves.

Yesterday we were only able to write in black and white while tomorrow we will imagine other stains that don’t limit our ability to tell the better narratives that are waiting to be told.

Yesterday we blamed the rain for drenching us be that as it may tomorrow our shelters will have fewer holes as we leave space to get to know ourselves more thoughtfully.

Yesterday was concerned with the debris that tripped us up on our trails nevertheless tomorrow will be focused  on our epic tales and the dragons we overcome in small and big ways.

Yesterday was encircled by our holding our breath while smiling yet tomorrow exhaling will prevail in our tears of sorrow as well as our laughter that makes our stomachs hurt.

Yesterday we defined ourselves as being a particular noun at the same time tomorrow we will clasp that part as existing in the process of the practicing that a whole actively does in getting it wrong on the way to acquiring what’s right.

Yesterday was all about the flowers and the goals yet tomorrow positive actions will assist us when the distance between those items feels impossible to navigate.

Yesterday our safety was paper thin nonetheless tomorrow word by word we will trust that we are under the sun even when the storms in our lives block it from our view.

And today we will welcome ourselves home into our stories of love where differing visibilities of happiness and courage mark our canvases as often as the equally important points of disappointment and fear do.

Have the best day POSSIBLE for you. Love Always, Heavell

The Forecast #278

The Forecast #278

Joy is not an item on the outside of ourselves that we need to pursue but rather an emotion on the inside that our techniques in living aren’t always the greatest at recognizing so we have to keep learning all the ways it can be felt in our hearts in order to get comfortable with it.

Cheerfulness can appear as the flowers that others have along their trail but we should never stay focused on one shiny part otherwise our stories will have the same view and feeling no matter our location.

Well-being may be found in working on ourselves however by getting to know who we are slowly and steadily, we add to our story of love instead of seeing ourselves as another project that needs to be fixed when we look in the mirror.

Glee might feel like the tune that is meant to be sung only when everything is all right but it can be the light in the darkness that enables us to dance in our own way.

Contentment like disappointment moves with the fluidity of life and it requires us to balance our knowledge of ourselves as works of art in progress as we add more and more pigments from the emotions that breathe within us as we move through our moments.

Bliss is a single word that is used to describe the perfect state of being and yet it is similar to a bloom in that it relies upon a stem or whole emotional experience as the support in which it’s blossom can develop on.

Delight is as colorful as the rainbows that show up after the storms but the key to part of their beauty is the rain that clears the way for them to be seen and felt.

Jubilation seems like the exclamation point that is placed once a goal has been achieved but without every event that exists between the start and the finish, there wouldn’t be anything to celebrate.

Satisfaction is found in fulfilling a wish nevertheless it will be washed-out if we keep reminding ourselves of all the other things that didn’t go as we had hoped they would.

Felicity begins with the thoughts of how we are going to step towards a dream but when we know why we want it, we will perceive the pieces that don’t work as needing adjustments rather than the proof that we are indeed impossible.

The forecast, after all, for our desired kind of happiness comes across as being a bit magical because we often believe that we are getting nowhere fast but it still shines as the sun does even when its blocked from our perspective and sometimes we just need to sit with ourselves in order to feel its warmth.

Have the best day POSSIBLE for you.

Love Always, Heavell