Stacked within every person, including the one we see reflected in the mirror, are the artifacts that have been gathered along our journeys and what we don’t know about those items is how deeply we or someone else will feel on the inside because of the hidden and vulnerable relationship that we each have with the darkness.   

Ultimately, we each grieve what we survive as well as the life that we think different would have made better and the more that we lean into that perceived truth, the more that we are trapped in the frames that remind us of what didn’t go right.

Being in the place that we are now while still feeling as if we are surviving our former moments and or mental health challenges, leaves us embodying the pain and the desire to withdraw for having parts that are under construction while also carrying the false idea that others are walking debris-free trails.   

Spaces that aren’t pleasant, though, are not the things that anyone can truly be prepared for because until we have actually encountered the conflicts, what exists for us is the imagined strength that we have bound within our hope where storms and gloom are absent from the pages of our stories.

We are neither simply full of the colors of our unhappy events nor just the sum of the mementos that hold the bold reminders of how tears fall from laughter too because to know one side is to experience the opposite as well and what we wish for does not control the ebb and flow of either.

The light feels so special and comfortable with its encouragement for us to stay as we are but the unwanted, confining darkness that seems to hold us back is actually the creator of the movement of change that’s needed in all of us. 

Its not about the yesterdays or about what we think has broken us but rather what we do, now, with the things that have borrowed time from us and whether we will continue to multiply our suffering in the tomorrows or learn to trust that while grief affects us, we are not the events or issues that have generated the emotions of sorrow.    

This is you and this is me as well and when things don’t go as we want, who we have been is not who we have to continue to be controlled by because in the moments where there is an absence of light, it is in the darkness that the reflection of sometime warriors can be seen.            

 Have the best day POSSIBLE for you. Love Always, Heavell