The description of beauty is the coming together of the best parts; whether in people, places or things. Sometimes, that perception is found in just how we feel or have felt while in a particular place or moment; and the remembering of such things. We often consent to the idea that beauty is only a part of heaven; the things that feel good or we love. That limited view, though, fails to recognize that beauty is the beholder of all. The real truth is that the purpose of beauty is to help us to see beyond what is before us; not just the end results or what appears to belong only to others. The art of living in heavell is in perceiving of the beauty that can be found no matter where we are; but especially in the pain, the “f” moments or the BLAH. Even the people, places, things or substances that we hate have a combination of parts or moments that hold beauty. Can you imagine, then, what the beauty of a fall is? Turn around and have that understanding with yourself that beauty lives in walking in circles and falls; but you have to find it. It’s all right that you are together and not together because we exist on the inside and the outside in so very heavell ways. Look at you and the words that you use to define what beauty is; the pieces that you saw yesterday. Now turn around and find what that means today; especially where it has been hidden in the shadows. Before you stay too long in a place that you shouldn’t, turn around and look in the mirror. What you will find there is the perfect person to have and to hold it all. It can be a painful place but if you breathe in being together and not together, you can find the beauty of you as a circle of heavell.

The words beauty and fear hold different and similar meanings; but occur in distinct ways on the inside of each of us. Those personal emotional definitions are created through our views, perceptions and moments; not through dictionary definitions. While we assume that beauty is a word that feels good for everyone, for some it can exist on the inside as a representation of their inadequacies; the things that can never be for them. Fear, itself, invokes a variety reactions as well in response to the things that we each believe are scary. Every definition, of those two words, is the real truth; unique views from different positions on the circle of heavell. What is in the words that you say to yourself; as well as to others? Can you turn around and feel the things that came together for you to define those words as you understand them? This is me and this is you in a life that is so very heavell. What holds pain for me, also known as fear, may not be what carries your hurt and anger. The places and pieces where beauty can be found for me, are not flawless. What you are aware of may involve perceived perfection or colors and shapes or the BLAH. Despite these different perceptions, we can connect by recognizing the view beyond what is just in front of us; each being essential and valuable. What do your fear about falling? What can be beautiful about descending into a part or place; especially the painful ones? There is something about you that you need to say; for you. There are also things that you need to listen to; whether an addict or not. The power of words, the hell, beauty, the heaven or even the BLAH exists on the inside. In this place of what will you do with it now, go through word by word and feel what is there. Have that understanding with yourself that by asking for tissues when you are crying, you are being a sometime warrior while also being fallen; holding the hand of courage and that of fear. Listen, you know what to say to destroy yourself. What if you told yourself the things that will help you breathe in brave? After all, as you are, you are the perfect person to just step inside to the beauty and the fear; of you. Another moment is coming and it just might be the perfect “f” one. What will you do with it now; whether together or not together in nature? I will just wait right here while you pick your weeds and smell your own flowers as the heavell keeper of your life.