The Mix #274

The Mix #274

The gray that enfolds us with its sun-blocking downpours implies that the rays of the sun aren’t shining on our trails, but the real truth is that the magic of the light doesn’t stop radiating and flowers don’t cease to bloom just because there are storms in our lives. Knowing, however, that shiny beams are still around despite our inability to experience their warmth or that colors continue to maintain their beauty in the face of the grayness doesn’t really make us feel better, now does it? Standing on the outside gives us a different field of vision than someone living an experience, but well-intentioned sunny-side words are not always as liberating as wishes plan for them to be. When we blend the sun with the rain, there are times when our palettes become muddy and what we hear is the belittling of the dragons that we are encircled by rather than the hoped for collaborative dreams that say there is joy in the distance where blue skies are the possibilities of the tomorrows. The sunshine simply embodies contentment but when we are sitting in the weeds and our shelters leak, what we need is the acknowledgement of the moments where that luminary has shined the least. Within that position is the remembrance that we have actually seen it casting light on our journeys which strengthens our belief in ourselves just as how noticing the spots that the showers have been the strongest allows us to remember that so many others received little to no moisture at all. We are not always lost or shaken on our paths but when we are, thinking that what we have encountered can’t also be used as a tool to help ourselves effects our confidence far more than missed goals or loud “f” moments do. So here goes nothing with the word of the day, obsession, and how it has assisted in illustrating the idea of the sunshine as something that occurs when you don’t have cloudbursts rather than that happiness comes from the stability of slowly understanding and overcoming the dragons that live in those storms. So, when has joy felt the littlest in your life? Have you been able to see those as merely parts, or have you been polarized with the thoughts that your whole journey has been sun-blocked because of some unhappy events? Our words stay with us but how they are defined relies upon what we pour into them and while we have been comfortable with the straightforwardness of the black, the white and a few grays, it doesn’t mean that we can’t start adding the different hues that edge what has already been familiar. Have you thought about flinging some cheery yellow onto your canvas to brighten the shadows or perhaps illuminating the background with a really pretty blue to prompt the memory of how everything that we are comfortable with can be clarified in a different way? After all, in the mix, the darkness has its own light but it’s hard to notice it while staring at the blossoms on another trail, the color of love also holds the hand of anger but what you feel is what you believe about it and the warmth from some of your sunny days will leave you wishing for the relief of the cloud cover found only in the chance of storms that have come to water the seeds of trying that you didn’t even know had been planted.

Have the best day POSSIBLE for you. Love Always, Heavell

Here Goes Nothing #273

Here Goes Nothing #273

We can locate, buried, in the soil of our memories all of the dark and the light moments that we have planted there. Without even moving, we can trek through, again and again, every spot that holds our experiences while nourishing ourselves as well as those sites with our visits. How long we linger at each encounter depends on whether we are engrossed in the ones radiating a warmth that encompasses us like a hug or standing in the other places where the moisture spills over into the crevices of our hearts and slowly washes away our self-assurance. It’s no surprise that we would want to avoid the plots that are hurt-filled but as it happens, the best laid plans cannot prevent those types of emotions from finding a way to express themselves despite our efforts to look away or to keep our view on what we want. The idea is that if we don’t accompany or focus on our pain, it won’t follow us on our rides. Our hearts, though, will always call on us to find the different truths for our weight of the world that can show up to block the sun when there aren’t even any clouds in the sky to impede our sight of it. Take the word of the day, obsession, and encircle your perceived failures and feel how your fascination of leaning into their downside has reduced your belief about yourself into pieces which makes goals feel impossible in spite of a thing called hope. Now, rotate your view of blunders in order to press in close to hear the quieter communications of the root-systems of grief as they thrive beneath the surface of our miscues. So often our enthusiasm for growth has us wishing to turn pages with the hope that, around the next bend, our stories will blossom unhindered but time after time, the labyrinth of our dragons and life will reach out to halt those sprouts in the same manner that rose bushes climb over the plants that are in their way of having the best symmetry with the light. What we use as shelter on our trails frequently isn’t capable of helping us to feel safe because a fastened door meant to keep out the rain can still leak, and a different closed entryway prevents us from being curious about what additional songs can be created by rearranging the notes of the “F” melody that makes us cry. In the yesterdays, the phrase “here goes nothing” was a self-deprecating word choice that conveyed the idea that despite trying, nil would be the results. About several flowers ago, that cluster changed to represent that something would occur because even if it doesn’t work out, to attempt is to make an effort which is of course how everything begins. Hope is a shield that we carry with us as we walk and stumble along on our paths, but it isn’t a navigational system that will warn us about the firmly fixed roots of weeds or guide us away from the upcoming debris. Dreams are the visual proof that we can imagine writing in color, but we are the ones that have to move from the comfortableness and familiarity of painting with only the black and white hues. So here goes nothing on our heart journeys where every time we look upon our moments and our feelings, we have the opportunity to hold them and ourselves a little bit better by changing or reshaping what we have believed has been flourishing there. After all, just because we can see beauty in the light doesn’t mean that the growth of it hasn’t been happening in the dark as well.

Have the best day POSSIBLE for you. Love Always, Heavell

The Word of the Day #272

The Word of the Day #272

The sense of direction that we have when we start towards a goal will not last all the way to the end because it’s hard to be an unswerving navigator when it’s incredibly easy to become distracted by the view of storms and dragons as well as the hope of finding a short cut to whatever we want. Even our smiles that beam so brightly will dim over time while our words expressing our determination will slowly be hushed as our thoughts grow louder with questions of whether we can locate those supposed flowers that come from nourishing transformation. Those same type of things happen for us when we have a plan to give something up because reworking what we have been used to includes rides through the weeds where we have to discover who we are without those loud, defining objects and parts. That requires us to leave what’s familiar behind and to enthusiastically plunge off of a cliff into a darkness that never guarantees our wishes will come true. Our heart journeys contain the details that have marked us and while we desire the dreamy adventure of blank pages to write on without their influence, that can also be an uncomfortable and scary part of each chapter in our narratives, another dragon of sorts to overcome. This is why it’s rather effortless to step back into the safety of what we have counted on despite not wanting some of what can be found living there or the yearning to move to where there will always be warmth from the sun. If you think about it, though, its kind a funny how change doesn’t feel impossible when it pertains to the things that we decide we will trek anywhere for, no matter how long it takes, and go through anything in order to have it. Maybe we feel that way because goals are often imperfect aspirations that hold a lot of our vulnerability while in the other aim, we walk with our already intimate colors and couple them with whatever polarizes us without much thought of what else will show up along the way. Both positions have objectives so perhaps it’s the emotion and our beliefs that make the former feel like a mirror that reflects what we had hoped to find but didn’t and the panic that we still might not be able to and the latter as the view of passion-filled traveling, where we don’t see what’s missing and our meandering seems purposeful. So, the word of the day is obsession, and the question is how can it now fit into your personal definition of change to move you forward? After all, it may be a prior tool, but you don’t need to leave it behind if it can be used as a shelter today. Thus far, you have actually proven that you are capable of being enfolded by rearrangements, but you’ve done so within your familiar comfort without necessarily noticing it. The journey is about taking what you already hold, adding to it by finding its different truth, and then stepping once again in the direction that you need to go. Remember, notes represent sounds and by placing them together, music is created and by reorganizing those identical notes over and over, millions of songs have been generated that say different things to different people. Your hues and your words are your artistry that, through a series of movements, can also fertilize that very exact same growth within you.

Have the best day POSSIBLE for you. Love Always, Heavell

Heart Journey #271

Heart Journey #271

There is something that feels so safe for us when we stay in the familiarity of who we are while also dreaming of the goal that we will be able to find ourselves on a different trail where transformation appears to be a warm and enfolding hug. That steady presence is like a shelter that we can retreat into even though we know it leaks in a chance of storms, encourages us to keep our eyes on recognizable views and the weight of it is exhausting. We endure carrying that intimacy with each step because it’s what we know, while attempting to visualize what renovations look like is really a vague concept in our constant and yet still hopeful state. Just the idea of revising ourselves produces anxiety and when our movements turn a yearning into something that we need to do, our thoughts alter that necessity into the verification that we are flawed, making trust in our ability to reshape ourselves show up as a vote of confidence on the impossible page. What we think about change and how it’s defined in our stories determines whether we acknowledge modification as an improbable project each time we pass by on our rides or as one where, eventually, we start adding different things to our seeds of trying to help them bloom. We don’t have to let go of the hand of fear in order to hold the supportive hand of courage because we can move forward while feeling both and know that each nourishes parts of us in different ways in the same manner that wanted and unwanted moments do. In other words, happiness isn’t a life where darkness and weeds are never found but rather the bringing along of a safeguard that prompts us to believe that the sun will greet us again with a hello once the rain moves on. Even blunders are not proof that amendments are out of the question but instead hold the connection that a measurement of discombobulated mistakes have been made during the trial, error and development of the making of a work of art. Remember, it wasn’t even possible to imagine what you would look like in this very moment from a position in the yesterdays, and even with a goal, envisioning yourself in the tomorrows is what is nearly impossible not that you are. Pleasant changes can feel uncomfortable and painful transformations are downright scary but if you can slowly add a word, a note or a color that you feel into its definition to make it your own, that particular dragon will lose its magical powers and bit by bit your walk will take you further than your continuous self could have ever planned or hoped for. Be in your heart journey because the strongest aspect of beauty is its gentle reminder that progress is messy and drawn-out, but every mark of its evolution is the creator of why it’s seen as a vision of loveliness. Where you have been was the best of you at the time, so carry that in a warm and enveloping hug for the reason that change isn’t about letting go of that comfortable black and white version of yourself, however it is about taking your time to expand it.

Have the best day POSSIBLE for you. Love Always, Heavell

About a Flower Ago #270

About a Flower Ago #270

What is it about flowers that draws us towards those prizes? Is it the certainty of their inspiring beauty that encourages us to want to be within their sight or to be able to hold them as our own? Or is it that they remind us to believe that a thing called hope is everlasting despite the chances of storms that stay for far longer than they should and the vivid dragons that tell us that we are indeed impossible? Or perhaps it’s that they intrigue us by finding ways to harmoniously intertwine within some terrains but then fail to thrive in other locations that could also benefit from their survival. Or just maybe the reason why we are so taken by colorful trophies is because the process of their weediness and withering is effortlessly ignored while the same kinds of notes are overly represented in the beats of ourselves and at times in what we perceive of others. It is easy for the voice of grace to shout for the things that will unquestionably transform into something that we yearn for and difficult for it to grow above a murmur in the midst of the weeds that latch on. It’s as if we have forgotten how essential the rain as well as the accumulation of debris is in nourishing every bloom but then appreciating the steps and the time that it takes for buds to develop isn’t something we have a lot of courtesy for. About a flower ago, my pulsations reminded me to take notice of the marks on my plots in order to get a glimpse of the value of what has been and how slowly, all of it has fertilized the new beginnings that have taken root in replace of them. Around one, two, three or many shadows before, your movements began to beat in tune with the types of tempos that silenced your words, stole your voice, altered your hues and closed the door to the place in your heart where you keep your dreams. You then began collecting your misfiring moments and surrounded them with the undesirable emotions whose rhythms accepted the roaring that said you were incapable. For every one of those sensitive heartaches, though, there were seeds of trying planted and while their sprouts are waiting for those fields to become welcoming, in this present moment they are standing by as the paused flowers that are hoping to bloom just for you. Remember, a smile isn’t only a grin, anger is merely one emotion that makes us see red and beauty has never cared if the sun is shining so keep moving your perception until your view discovers that both dragons and weeds lose their magic when fondness for yourself encircles them. Take this one word, one color and one beat at a time as your story goes.

Have the best day POSSIBLE for you. Love Always, Heavell