Under the Sun #279

Under the Sun #279

Yesterday holds our unified and yet isolating accounts that haven’t felt good nonetheless tomorrow contains the unmarked pages waiting for us to color ourselves differently including the black and gray hues that can represent our favorite pigments.

Yesterday carries our hope that was created from what we have dreamed of but tomorrow we maintain the definition of that inspiring thing by knowing why we want to achieve it.

Yesterday nudges us with the reminder of all of our missteps however tomorrow prompts us to turn around to see that sometimes we have to go back in order to determinedly push forward.

Yesterday grips the moments that we wish with all of our hearts we could change still tomorrow supports transforming what has been into what we now understand better about ourselves as well as others.

Yesterday we believed that we did not belong all the same tomorrow leverages that closed door open so that we may let ourselves into all beneficial connections that help us to go through.

Yesterday the darkness was made up of weeds and pain but tomorrow that gloom will move from the “f” word known as foes to the one recognized as friends.

Yesterday our tunes repeated the beats of the loud voices that we often listened to when we shouldn’t have even so tomorrow we will sing and hear the songs that are kinder to ourselves.

Yesterday we were only able to write in black and white while tomorrow we will imagine other stains that don’t limit our ability to tell the better narratives that are waiting to be told.

Yesterday we blamed the rain for drenching us be that as it may tomorrow our shelters will have fewer holes as we leave space to get to know ourselves more thoughtfully.

Yesterday was concerned with the debris that tripped us up on our trails nevertheless tomorrow will be focused  on our epic tales and the dragons we overcome in small and big ways.

Yesterday was encircled by our holding our breath while smiling yet tomorrow exhaling will prevail in our tears of sorrow as well as our laughter that makes our stomachs hurt.

Yesterday we defined ourselves as being a particular noun at the same time tomorrow we will clasp that part as existing in the process of the practicing that a whole actively does in getting it wrong on the way to acquiring what’s right.

Yesterday was all about the flowers and the goals yet tomorrow positive actions will assist us when the distance between those items feels impossible to navigate.

Yesterday our safety was paper thin nonetheless tomorrow word by word we will trust that we are under the sun even when the storms in our lives block it from our view.

And today we will welcome ourselves home into our stories of love where differing visibilities of happiness and courage mark our canvases as often as the equally important points of disappointment and fear do.

Have the best day POSSIBLE for you. Love Always, Heavell

Black and Gray #277

Black and Gray #277

The sun can be seen every day even when our view is blocked and it’s warmth is suspended by the biting cold. Moments are bittersweet in the symphonies that cross our minds because part of the beauty of love is that it doesn’t always feel good in our hearts or our thoughts. Change is challenging because what we push into the shadows doesn’t get quieter there but rather continues to murmur like a dragon that is holding us captive. We can be late on our journeys, walk in circles and fall off of cliffs while still winning on a regular basis. Negative thoughts don’t go away by thinking the opposite ideas but positive actions help us to focus on what we can do for ourselves while we grieve. Lost can become found by strolling through our very own selves one word at a time. We can brighten the debris filled days by recognizing that sometimes we are trying to dance the way others do and its not our style. Home is the place where we say hello to our terms and either feel their softness or their sharpness with each breath that we take. For every out of key note that we hate about ourselves, turn by turn, there is one that feels like a hug in our hearts. In the to and fro motion of our reshaping, we can throw hues onto a canvas without regard as long as what it depicts is clear to us. When it comes to wishes, we can see ourselves in the mirror as the dreamers filled with hope that make their existence possible. To begin, we can close our eyes and imagine how safe feels within us even though it has to share space with our fear and our doubt. The blank pages of our narratives have something to say but we have to be vulnerable enough to write in color on them. Black and gray may be the tones of storms in some stories but in another epic tale, they are the pigments of a love that will forever light the way. And at the end of each day, we can accept that disappointment occurs in our lives because love doesn’t just acknowledge us in the flowers as it perceives of us in the weeds as well.

Today’s blog is dedicated to Skyler who, at the age of 25, lost his life to a pure fentanyl overdose and his mother Rebecca, @mourningsky.griefcoach for whom sorrow has become a glow that helps others when they can’t see to go forward in the darkness of grief.

Have the best day POSSIBLE for you. Love Always, Heavell

It’s Been a Dark One #276

It’s Been a Dark One #276

One simple step towards a goal can be the catalyst of change through the cooperative movement of our heart, mind and body but there are times when each of those parts can be identified as a dragon that is able to cast the shadows that push a thing called hope out of our sight. It might seem as if those mystical beasts know the exact type of heart-break songs to sing but it’s really the designations that we give each to hold that encourages those connections to keep showing up to prevent us from believing in ourselves. In other words, if a single term like objective can frame a plan for transformation, then it is possible for a prompt that has spent far more time within our view to just as easily unmount it, leaving us sensitive to what our previous stumbling has implied as well as questioning whether tomorrow will be a repeat of what has already been. Imagine the color blue and how it has different hues that depict the sky, the ocean and the love that we have for someone whose eyes are color-washed in that pigment. In another version, its used as a familiar name that plainly describes the sadness and the grief that frequently breathes so loudly within us. Everything that we list as fitting under the expression of blue is true as the results of our own encounters and it’s effortless for those things to affect us, to fluctuate in power or to even fade into the background where they can continue to live unseen. Then there is the sun and the friendly shade of yellow that portrays it and yet it might not be a tone that we want to look at or carry a shield that has been splashed with it, but we will desire the flowers that embody it if that’s what is growing along someone else’s trail. It’s even a light that shines like a beacon in the darkness and it’s so welcoming that the moon claims it as its stain as well. Giving a voice to our words and pigmentations helps us to understand the separate flows of our thoughts, emotions and physical energy. Walking through that reshaping assists us in distinguishing which one of those categories is actually stepping back into what has been a consistent intimate response rather than feeling that the whole is falling or has too because a part is harmonizing with dragons. Remember, red may be the color that is commonly used to illustrate love, but the greatest signifier of the warmth, brightness and strength of that sentiment is actually represented by your favorite dye. So, if you have left that out of your story, then it’s natural for you to perceive that it’s been a dark one when really all you have needed to do is to give rise to painting your life with every beat that you have experienced and has changed along your epic journey.

Have the best day POSSIBLE for you. Love Always, Heavell

Once Unknown #275

Once Unknown #275

We are hooked on the notions of what establishes someone as an artist, writer, hero, beautiful, determined, happy or grieving but when we place specific concepts into designated categories, we eclipse our ability to envision how we are and can be all of those things, in different ways, in our own stories. It’s so comfortable for us to view those depictions as living in the tales of others, but on our trails, they grow through the magic of what we pour into them and whether those thoughts and feelings are nourishing to our seeds or not. For instance, are there unswerving moments where your courage has sparkled such as your beaming smile does, or have you felt weak and been in mourning because that beacon’s light doesn’t appear to function within you? Or when it comes to art, can you throw caution to the wind and add lots of pigments to the mix to portray all of your emotions, or are you lost in the uncomfortableness of coloring outside of the lines as well as adverse to using strong hues to unleash what you feel? What, then, does perseverance hold in its plots that sings harmoniously for you or is that a word that you believe you can’t possibly bring to bloom because the rain has thinned your fertilizer so much so that there’s nothing left to encourage development? When it comes to beauty, how many terms can you affectionately list to describe your work of art in progress or is that chapter of love still waiting for you to look into the mirror to see the wonderful bits that keep going despite the marks that make you want to hide from that particular kind of reflective object? Then there is your belief of what makes a hero and the life that classification lives, in comparison to the authentic once unknown type of fighter who plants seeds of trying while battling dragons, trips through the debris of “f” moments and often feels fear although the occasional grin implies otherwise. How does knowing who you are through your heartbeats help you to live the story that you are? Well, our always enfolding relationship with the everything that is home within us is what provides the nutrients, piece by piece, to grow our joy as well as our self-control and being disconnected from that information leaves us off-course in the midst of sunless chaos. So, empty spaces, definitions that don’t fit or are missing, lack of color-wash and old melodies are what cause those necessary heart items to feel absent from us rather than it being a grouping of our prickle moments that would have us believe the idea that the presence of their darkness means it’s impossible for our fields to flourish with what we need in order to go through. Strong links furnish us with a soft place to fall when our stumbles happen in the weeds or in conflicts with mystical beasts and at the end of the day, you are going to feel some way so it might as well be a position where you embrace you with understanding. After all, we are harder on our own wellbeing than any of our dents could ever be because when we view those things, what we see are the impressions of flaws but what’s really there are lots of small points of light asking for us to become familiar with what has been once unknown.

Have the best day POSSIBLE for you. Love Always, Heavell

The Mix #274

The Mix #274

The gray that enfolds us with its sun-blocking downpours implies that the rays of the sun aren’t shining on our trails, but the real truth is that the magic of the light doesn’t stop radiating and flowers don’t cease to bloom just because there are storms in our lives. Knowing, however, that shiny beams are still around despite our inability to experience their warmth or that colors continue to maintain their beauty in the face of the grayness doesn’t really make us feel better, now does it? Standing on the outside gives us a different field of vision than someone living an experience, but well-intentioned sunny-side words are not always as liberating as wishes plan for them to be. When we blend the sun with the rain, there are times when our palettes become muddy and what we hear is the belittling of the dragons that we are encircled by rather than the hoped for collaborative dreams that say there is joy in the distance where blue skies are the possibilities of the tomorrows. The sunshine simply embodies contentment but when we are sitting in the weeds and our shelters leak, what we need is the acknowledgement of the moments where that luminary has shined the least. Within that position is the remembrance that we have actually seen it casting light on our journeys which strengthens our belief in ourselves just as how noticing the spots that the showers have been the strongest allows us to remember that so many others received little to no moisture at all. We are not always lost or shaken on our paths but when we are, thinking that what we have encountered can’t also be used as a tool to help ourselves effects our confidence far more than missed goals or loud “f” moments do. So here goes nothing with the word of the day, obsession, and how it has assisted in illustrating the idea of the sunshine as something that occurs when you don’t have cloudbursts rather than that happiness comes from the stability of slowly understanding and overcoming the dragons that live in those storms. So, when has joy felt the littlest in your life? Have you been able to see those as merely parts, or have you been polarized with the thoughts that your whole journey has been sun-blocked because of some unhappy events? Our words stay with us but how they are defined relies upon what we pour into them and while we have been comfortable with the straightforwardness of the black, the white and a few grays, it doesn’t mean that we can’t start adding the different hues that edge what has already been familiar. Have you thought about flinging some cheery yellow onto your canvas to brighten the shadows or perhaps illuminating the background with a really pretty blue to prompt the memory of how everything that we are comfortable with can be clarified in a different way? After all, in the mix, the darkness has its own light but it’s hard to notice it while staring at the blossoms on another trail, the color of love also holds the hand of anger but what you feel is what you believe about it and the warmth from some of your sunny days will leave you wishing for the relief of the cloud cover found only in the chance of storms that have come to water the seeds of trying that you didn’t even know had been planted.

Have the best day POSSIBLE for you. Love Always, Heavell