Its hard to imagine that our collection of stacked items could ever be cause for celebration but then its also challenging to recognize that included within them is the proof that we do know how to do things.

Often what we notice about our weight of the world is the vulnerability of our having been authentic and that particular knowledge repeatedly predicts what will still be regardless of any change of location or hope that we may have.

Our idea of and need for things to be just right implies that we are stuck within a certain capacity because of what has already been and showing up for ourselves is so very difficult when we are surrounded by constant negativity that feels like the reminders of why we shouldn’t.

Even though we may have things memorized about ourselves, it’s good to break apart the layers and ask better questions to deepen our understanding of the potential that also lives within the moments that we don’t want.

So, how have you been dealing with the stress and uncertainty found on even an ordinary day in your life?

Whatever that answer is, its still you trying which in a different but very real truth is a small flower within the weeds of practicing in a so very heavell life.      

How close we are to the dragons that reside in us determines the strength of the feels in those parts and surprisingly, sometimes those mystical beasts are hoping to be rescued by us despite our believing that we are the ones in need of being freed from them.

Words are like seeds that grow in both darkness and light and for every gloomy term that we have written in our stories or muddied color that we have cast upon a canvas, there is also the verification of some sort of an ability hidden inside as well.

Look at it this way, the more secure we feel within ourselves as sometime warriors who are capable of falling down as well as finding the sun on the days that we are the ones casting the shadows, the easier it becomes for us to reshape ourselves as we encounter the untested steps of our journeys in the tomorrows.

Step back and celebrate the contents of the smiles, the tears and the dragons as the colorful evidence that you do know how to do things even on an ordinary day like today.

Have the best day POSSIBLE for you. Love Always, Heavell  

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