That limited view, both on the inside as well as from the outside, has a way of easily feeding the hell. Again and again it will bring forth all the things that have been felt, said and believed. Specifically it uses our “f” moments, not the fabulous ones, to encourage us to think and feel that falls translate into being a failure as a whole. Believing that value, despite the flaws that it holds, makes it simple to lose our way. Are you aware that weeds create flowers in order to extend themselves even into the places that we don’t want them to be? Do you realize that the hell does the exact same thing on the inside of you? Not only is it able to get loud in there but it also pushes things into the shadows so that you will accept a different truth; just like those tricky substances and words. Whether you are looking at a picture, saying or hearing words that hurt or just thinking them, find a different truth other than the ones that have been connecting with you. Because even if a door has been closed, what’s not there is your ability to keep that feeling hidden. This is you and this is me and words get in the way of understanding ourselves as well as each other. Sometimes its better but at other times it’s worse when we accept values from those whose details are not the same as ours. What if in this perfect moment you were to describe what people, places and things mean to you with the words that your mind knows? Then turn around and do the same thing with only the feelings that your heart holds. In-between those two places is where you will find the details of the nothing that came from nowhere that has the power to change the hell or repeat a cycle again and again. After all, if the words that you say to yourself are not balanced between your falls and fantastic moments as well as those two parts, what has been will be again and again. Here’s to the hope that you will be kind to yourself as you open your personal dictionary of words and feelings and get loud in every part of you.

There are hundreds and hundreds of feelings and words that describe the beauty of love. Do you realize that those depictions provide only a partial view? Love, despite what it invokes in us, does not just hold flowers or moments that feel heavenly. It is a tricky word that also at times includes adversity, fear and pain; the hidden details. Even when we are talking about addiction, love can be found there whether in the beginning of the use of a substance or for the person who is in that place. The power of the hell is then able to change what love means for us as it extends itself into all the places that we don’t want it to be; just as weeds can be found wherever flowers are. What different truth can you find for the word love as it pertains to you? If you have been trying to perceive of love through the details of someone else, even with similarities, it will be in conflict with what you hold in your personal emotional dictionary. What do you think about addiction as it relates to you? How does it feel in your heart when that worth is different from what others believe? When we judge the value of our details as it compares to others, we will often focus on only the “f” moments that do not include the fabulous ones. So as you encounter others along your journey in this so heavell life, their details matter only if they support you in using your details to lift yourself up to do this better. After all, sometime warriors are not created from the stories of others nor their definition of desirability but are a reflection of each individual; no one is just like another for a reason. This is you and the hope is that you will keep holding on to go through as only you can. Your words and details have the ability to change the strength of hell, again and again, for the better or for the worse as only the perfect person can do. Whatever love, fear, hell and addiction has meant to you find a different truth. One that includes the all that you have been and will be because once upon a time you were a dream and tomorrow is going to be the kind of day where you can be it again and again. Unless of course you go that way or that way in which case I will just wait right here for you to turn around.