Desires can make you sing at the top of your lungs, and they can also throw you off of a cliff into the darkness but wherever you are, they will always encourage you to view everything that can be found around you. Wants will produce a smile upon your face when you are feeling strong, and they will make you cry when your heart is hurting, but they will sit with you in all the ways that you actually live your life. Wishes will take you sideways and even long ways, but just like you, they infer what’s possible as they move from moment to moment. Dreams will prompt you to look forward while being aware of what’s behind you because they can’t exist without the presence of what has been and what has yet to be in your story. Plans will take you through a chance of storms and help you to find the sunlight, but they will never prevent you from tripping over debris or falling into prickle bushes with each step that you take. Longings for flowers will nudge you to go find them but in a different truth, be cautious, otherwise you might turn and admire someone else’s blooms and think that there is something missing from you. Yearnings may be what you think about, but their mere presence is the actual proof that you are brave and looking for change, but you just aren’t there yet. All of these words are what give hope meaning and together their voices are the reminder to make it your own because it’s not a destination to get to but rather a tool that you carry with you always. So, remember that love lives in so many ways simply because of you and a thing called hope.

Have the best day POSSIBLE for you. Love Always, Heavell

We have included the audio of this post so that you can hear the words spoken to you. Let the words be invited into your heart as a reminder of hope.