Time does not make choices easier for us but over time the repetition of the companion words that we keep around fill the spaces between the yesterdays and today as the evidence of what was as well as what we fear will continue to be in the tomorrows.

There isn’t anything in our environment that says we have to transport those familiar options with us and yet we believe that we are trapped within their boundaries so we remain in their replication even though we hope for something different.

No matter what has been on our journeys, we don’t have to keep reminding ourselves about the moments that the sun wasn’t shining as our thoughts have already mapped the details of those marks while our hearts have projected the preserved grief of them, page after page.

And as those feels have had the freedom to bleed through, carrying that weight of the world has appeared to prevent our progress even though its not the presence of those things but rather how we have gotten use to being amongst them without even liking them.

Our past isn’t asking us to let go of a page or a lot of our sheets simply because the mess doesn’t reflect our best artwork but it does want us to imagine that what we needed in those prior moments is something that we are now capable of surrounding the yesterdays with.     

Changing what has been so close and confining requires our moving through the consideration of who we were when our knowledge provided the view that we were stuck rather than allowing us to see that we were actually unsure of what to do with the experiences that had been enfolding us.

Having the space to create doesn’t mean that we have to do something with it until we are ready to choose showing up for our better stories that will always include flowers that don’t bloom and ones that surprise us as well as weeds that cling to us and some we never even notice.

It’s okay not to have all of the words or the answers because with a little shuffling, the black and white of our sorrow and regret can become colorful just by expanding the partners that they are connected to.

A page will feel empty before it feels full and if we are going to hope for things to fill it with, then let us repeatedly wish for our moments to be bordered by understanding up till enough time has passed for that word to become a familiar and comfortable companion along the uncharted trails of our so very heavell lives.  

Have the best day POSSIBLE for you. Love Always, Heavell

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