While our minds hold our words that explain what we surmise of people, places, things and ourselves, our hearts carry the weight of the world in how all of it feels. In turn, what we are thinking and experiencing on the inside will then be expressed to the outside where it will be added to our moments as well as those of others. As in a cycle, the order of actions and reactions will continue to repeat as they work together to either feed the hell and or the heaven. That same view can also be found when we walk in circles or close doors in order to avoid what makes us uncomfortable; especially if that field of vision is of a mess. There are literally hundreds and hundreds of words and feelings that can actually narrate just the stories of addiction. After all, despite our similarities and overlapping, each person holds a different truth through his or her individual encounters of the “f” moments, beauty and adversity. What’s in-between has always been as important today as it was yesterday and it will still matter tomorrow; either for the right reasons or for the wrongs ones. The quality of the words that you say to yourself on the inside have always held more power than anything on the outside of you ever can; even more than those tricky substances. In this kind of life, the personal emotional definition of words has always been something that came from somewhere whether others agree or not. So what do you say in the place that needs you most? Turn around and find understanding for yourself through a different truth. If you have fallen then you are in the process of rising; in your matter of time. If you are stepping, what door do you need to open in order to continue to go through? If you have been judged by others, what do you need to forgive yourself for? If you see weeds, what about you holds the beauty of flowers? If you have failed to show up for yourself, what part can you now be there for? As you are, a different truth means that you hold more than one personal definition for each word, moment and feeling; a balance. It’s what you have been doing, though, with the anything and the everything that has been giving hell a different truth. I have that feeling that it’s going to be all right but we need to go that way or maybe it’s that way. Oh hell maybe we should just turn around and go in-between where the details have always mattered in every given moment; especially the ones from yesterday.

Understanding differing views within ourselves and through the perspective of others is complicated by personal values that are used to decipher the meaning of words and limit the ability to hear more than what is being said. I chose this painting for today’s blog for a particular reason. The simple answer appears to be that the picture is of a landscape but that is not actually what it is. This painting is the reflection of any number of things as felt in the heart of each beholder who views it. It could depict the trail of addiction, the repeating of what has already been, a heart, that feeling, a life that is so very heavell, personally defined words, a mess, a fall, hell, the journey of a sometime warrior, again and again or whatever. To be certain, it’s what you perceive of and then connect with that matters. If, however, you feel it expresses the things that hold pain, then find a different truth. If your field of vision is that it is the journey of a sometime warrior, find a different truth. It’s simple, no matter what you see, find a different truth. Just as this painting holds more than what is easily seen, as well as everything else in-between, so do you so find a different truth. This is you and this is me but we don’t always look like this; sometimes its better but at other times its even worse. So what? In some moments I see and feel the hell just like you; especially in the place that needs me most. However, the fact and the opinion is that within my superpowers is the ability to change what hurts into understanding; just like you. No matter what you think or feel, find a different truth that helps you see the whole rather than just a part. After all, even sometime warriors express fear through anger and believe the appearance of those tricky words and substances. But if you breathe in the balance of you, even the biggest “f” moment won’t keep you from viewing more than just what is in front of you; whether you have failed or been fabulous. What is in the quality of the words that you say? I am going to wait right here while you give voice to your hundreds and hundreds of words and feelings. It’s all right in a life that is so very heavell as long as a different truth comes from the nothing that came from nowhere in the place that needs you most. Otherwise it’s just more words whose values don’t reflect the details of who you are and how you came to be one moment at a time. In other words, it’s not what has been but rather what you have done with it on the inside that has given hell a different meaning.