The words have been written in black on the lines of our pages but its the details that are so full of colors from where we have been that keep us fearful that we will never make it out of those same conversations being extended into the next chapters as well.

They are the storms that rain doubt down so much so that we are not only unable to enjoy the various shapes and sizes of the flowers that we have been able to gather thus far but to also believe that in time it will be possible for us to do it again.    

We try to leave that heaviness behind by dreaming and having goals but we can’t arrive where we hope to be without first finding acceptance for the awkward events that have filled parts of our lives with pain.

We are the ones that give meaning to each of those messages and sometimes it takes longer to unite those complexities so that they become nourishment in our better stories rather than remain as something that makes us feel alone in a room full of people.

It’s easy to find value in the balance of growth and contentment but hard to appreciate the things that help us to understand ourselves especially when their emotional weather requires us to go through muddied colors and even rejection to find their worth. 

The art of living so very heavell lives is in allowing ourselves the space to choose when joy is penciled in or styled with a permanent marker along with feeling the sadness that noisily exists on the best of our days or silently accompanies us into the absence of light.

Change will happen when we show up to welcome the hurt that is already at home within us because it is not the past or our conversations that keeps them repeating but rather the choices that we have made in how we believed we should deal with them.  

We cannot trust in our future steps when the darkness that stretches into the ones that have gotten us this far leave us feeling unsafe but it is a different season when we embrace forgiving ourselves for what we have previously thought should be erased in order for us to be happy.

 Have the best day POSSIBLE for you. Love Always, Heavell 

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