On our journeys in any kind of life, the destinations we desire are the places where we believe comfortableness easily lives and any needed adjustments will require little effort from us. If we discover that we are in a location that doesn’t hold what we want, we will accept whatever that site offers while still hoping that what’s there will some how become what we do need. In other moments, we will decide to continue down the trail to a different local but the repeating of what has already been lives there too as we turn towards the types of connections and responses that hold familiarity and agreed upon feelings despite any wish to not locate what we left behind. It would seem, then, that despite the fact that change is always enfolding us in some way, it’s presence actually feels threatening or unsafe as it pertains to our stability and belief in ourselves and yet it is an expectation that we hold as a requirement of the people, places and things that can be found around us. In other words, we are comfortable with staying the same as well at ease in believing that transformation belongs and can be found elsewhere. What if, though, our rides are really meant to be the moving of the destination of our hearts and thoughts through what advances our views rather than proceeding to another location or waiting for others to transform so that we can get out of the weeds? Have you ever asked yourself “where are you going and what did you expect to find in that place”? Does your answer hold items that really live within you? Change that we want and that stays starts with knowing what our view is and then turning around to discover more than what that particular perception holds. It is the recognizing of other parts that offer different and yet essential insights that help us to understand ourselves better as well as others. If we move our field of view, then we are able to show up for ourselves and actually find safety, fondness and forgiveness in the place that has always needed us most to do so. After all, beauty is in the heart of the beholder just as pain is and both are details in our particular true stories but focusing on outside destinations rather than on the inside one will keep us walking in circles for far longer than we want to. Simply move your view and discover how dreaded “f” moments, weeds and darkness are the series of movements that actually illuminate where we really need to be regardless of the time it takes for us to get there.

A couple of years ago we connected with a Musical Artist and recovering addict named Tyler Jenkins whose words have been an insight into not only what he has seen and felt over his life but also the connections that we are seeking whether a substance user or not. Today we are honored to be including his song called “True Story” about his journey of recovery and change. By moving his view, what had appeared to be impossible has transformed into I’m possible. Please take a moment to get to know Tyler through his video and perhaps you might see something that you need to know about about yourself as well. Thank you @Tyler Jenkins for sharing you with us. Have the best day possible for you and remember to love you where you are not where you think you should be. Love Always, Heavell