On our journey we each have a collection of things that fall into place depending upon what we think they hold. To make sense of what’s there, we assess a value for each possession through what is familiar and comfortable in our individual perceptions. Where those things go and the momentum that sends them there depends upon what we believe about ourselves and the power of those items. If we are of the opinion that the strongest or the weakest that we are is defined only by the “f” moments that are not the good ones, then those objects will descend like the weight of the world within us. Once in their particular part, their loud voices will show up when we least expect even when we feel as if we are all right or have been saying the right things; also known as those positive thoughts. But as with all moments, feelings, perceptions and terms, there is always a different truth that can be found than what has been our cycle of experiencing them. Take the wording “fall into place” and think about what it means to you. That phrase is used in reference to the things that we acquire or that fit together as well as an item or a person that goes down but what does it mean when it is used in an idiom such as “to fall in love”? Is it really possible for us to descend into love in the uplifting manner that we have come to believe that collection of words expresses? Or what about the fact and the opinion that like things, such as feelings, fall into place as well even though we often don’t realize the all that is actually living there and how it effects us? Or what if our fear is expressed through it’s loud voice known as anger and we plummet in the words that we say to ourselves and or others? Is tumbling and descending, then, only ideal when it involves what we believe to be acceptable such as an expression of love or our pain or as a response to someone else’s actions? In other words as long as it feels good or has a justification for it, we do believe that it is all right to fall in so much as whatever that holds fits within our perception; regardless of how others feel about it. This is me and I am an “f” moment maker that, in part, has been painful for myself and others through the words that I have said as well as my actions. What has been done by me in the yesterdays cannot be undone no matter what I hope for, just like you, but today is the kind of day where we can be fearful and courageous at the same time while also finding a different truth for our collection of things. After all, we do fall into place especially when that location is hell because understanding, change and sometime warriors have never ever been needed in the parts that are easy or we fall in love with. Oh hell, just give yourself a moment or two to cry and then laugh about a collection of things that you have believed define you as being weak when they have always been the beginning of your strength. Have the best day possible for you. Love Always, Heavell.