While we each desire to be perceived of and heard, at the same time we are also scared of being seen because what we carry in the place that needs us most isn’t just the fabulous moments and feelings from our kind of life. Our ability to talk straight to ourselves or to others is rarely an easy thing to do but then if it were that simple, fear and pain would not be facilitating our anger, anxiety, behaviors, being lost, words or even substance abuse for that matter. Opening the door to our messy room for anyone and everyone to view leaves us feeling vulnerable and weak when we are already feeling impossible from the chaos that lives there. Even in a room full of like people, we can still feel alone within ourselves if we believe that the “f” moments and the pain is an indication of the all that we are and therefore should be denied or hidden rather than seen and dealt with. What each of us needs most when we are not all right are the words that express kindness and the emotions that support them and yet fear most often brings out the worst in ourselves as well as others. What we encounter in any given moment is our view and then the perception of others which complicates our ability to actually hear, understand and believe in our experiences. Imagine a moment in which something happened that has hurt you; maybe even traumatized you. What occurred when you tried to talk straight about it with the individual whose actions felt distressing to you? Did that person lean in to recognize you or did he or she feed the hell by devaluing you? Now turn around and think about how you have acted when someone has tried to talk straight with you. Have you behaved in a similar or a different manner? Is it easier to hear what hurts from someone that matters to you or is it less complicated and less painful with an individual you are not close to or don’t know? What happens, then, when you say your words just to yourself? Why is it always easier to connect with and believe in the hell than it is to recognize ourselves as the beholders of words, “f” moments and feelings on a trail where our own kind of beauty is ours to step towards, to discover, rather than to be told what it and we should look like or be? Let’s start here because it’s good to be home in the place where we have it all even when we don’t treat all of it equally and hate some of it. This is you and this is also me being uncomfortable with messy parts and rooms but those weeds are where our sometime warriors and our strengths can be found. After all, if we are only viewed in part then fear will always be illuminated in ways it shouldn’t be, possible will be impossible and we will always believe that tissues are meant only for the moments that hurt. Let’s start here and say what needs to be said while carrying our weeds as a reflection of the love that will continue on through the transformation of pain, in this moment or the next, into superpowers. Oh hell, the hand of courage is holding that of fear but it’s what you lean in to hear that determines what you connect with so be kind to you as you step and fall along the way. In other words just because understanding can be found in the pain and with like people, it doesn’t mean you should continue to stay there. Let’s start here as you encounter this so very heavell life just as you are.

On Tuesday, February 2nd, Heavell will be sharing it’s next podcast. Because the meaning of words and the perception of them is so complicated, we will be providing another perspective on how what we see, think and feel can leave us feeling impossible even though we shouldn’t stay in that place for too long. A sometime warrior for individuals with dyslexia and a dear friend will share her encounter of how a struggle in someone who matters to her has shown her that what appeared to be a weakness was in fact a strength waiting to be recognized in both of them. Have the best day possible for you. Love Always, Heavell.

To the individual who found us through Ryan’s page “Ryan Travels The U.S.”. Let’s start here and take this 10 seconds, a moment, at a time. It’s all right not to be all right but you are and have always been more than what hurts so lean in and breathe. Today may just be the day where you need to be kind to you and if tomorrow seems to be the same, then take that one moment at a time as well. One step has brought you closer to getting comfortable with what is uncomfortable and then turning it into a superpower. Please continue to let us know how you are doing. Have the best day possible for you.