We love the stories of triumphs over wreckages and how they hold hope as well as the possibilities of change. But while it is simple enough to perceive of the end results of someone’s narrative, it is mostly impossible to be aware of all the small things that helped and hindered along the way. A cycle, also known as a circle, can begin with courage and determination but if today seems like yesterday, again and again, it can be easy enough to feel as if conquests are something that others experience. After all, our view is usually that being together is the only beautiful place to be but the real truth is that not together is the actual location where strength begins. Whatever happens in our lives affects us in the moments that they occur but the power of them continues far into the tomorrows because of what we say to ourselves about what has happened; as well as what others say. Small things, then, can seem insignificant until we turn around realize that even just the repeating of a single word, whether in the heart or the mind, has the ability to lift up or to destroy; impossible or I’m possible. In a life that is so very heavell, messes and cycles are the opportunity to use small things to conceptualize more than what has already been felt or believed in order to see the view beyond; a different truth. As you are, weeds give you depth in life’s journey and flowers, well they are made up of little and big victories. In other words they are the debris and the beauty of your story where you have always been possible even in what has been the most impossible moments. The stories of successes that we see and hear about are important as the reminders that changing the power of the hell is within reach in this moment or the next or perhaps the next. What’s not there, though, are the specific details of you that will always be wherever you are on your trail. Essentially small things have always mattered, just like every dream, whether here today or a part of yesterday in order to continue or change tomorrow. Inspiration, then, can be found most often in our everyday small things where making it through anything can be a win whether we are holding the hand of courage, fear or both. Got heavell? Of course you do in the small things that together and not together make up all the triumphant and wreckage “f” moments in your kind of life. Here’s to the weeds, then, that make walking on flowers a beautiful place to be.