Tomorrow is the day that holds our hope that we will be viewed as we dream to be regardless of the things that have already been. It carries the possibility that understanding will allow us to breathe in brave as we leave behind the days that no longer have the ability to effect us. That is until a moment presents itself that turns us around because it seems like yesterday. No matter how many steps forward we take, things can appear that bring familiar feelings and thoughts that lead to the relatable reactions. If we have not discovered the balance between what has hurt and the beauty that lives there as well, the hell will always be close by to remind us of the things that still need to be transformed into what lifts us up; also known as superpowers. When you think of addiction, how do the words weak and courage feel in your heart in comparison to what your mind has defined them as being? Welcome to a little of the details of you through your perspective of just those two words and how they pertain to you. Now turn around to where those definitions were created in the yesterdays and see why you are relating to them in the manner that you are. Because even when a messy room has had everything rearranged, where we place our view of the before, during and the after helps to determine whether we feed what we believe is inadequate in ourselves or perceive of it as a small triumph. Rooms, moments and parts will always become chaotic again and again on this trail but it’s what you do with your knowledge of all of it that matters. Finding the value of getting comfortably uncomfortable with any mess holds the ability to be fearful and courageous at the same time. Welcome to the details that make you a dream, essential and an “f” moment maker in the way that only you can be. Oh hell, in this kind of life, the weeds tell the stories of sometime warriors while the flowers are the reminder that we are so much more.

Stepping into tomorrow will not change what has been nor what will be if we continue to place our moments in the position to destroy us. In other words, all of those failed moments have been leading us to eventually doing this better because we are aware of those things rather than continuing to repeat them because we will always just be them. How you feel cannot be altered by anyone or anything, not even those tricky substances, from the outside unless it’s somehow relatable to what you are already carrying on the inside. What if in this perfect moment, you were to acknowledge those things and then say “Welcome to just some of the details that make me who I am”? The messes, the parts and those moments are meant to be powerful in guiding each of us towards understanding what has worked and what hasn’t and then to try something else; even if that means another “f” moment. Hell can rearrange our perceptions of ourselves, for its matter of time, but so can we if we consent to doing so but then it has always been easier to reposition a room rather than ourselves. The fact and the opinion is that we spend more time trying to justify and hide things from the outside then we actually do in owning them even though we are still carrying the knowledge of all of it on the inside; where it is able to continue to feed the hell. This is me and this is you in similar and distinctly different ways. The most courageous you will ever be is when you are sitting amongst your own weeds getting comfortably uncomfortable with the nothing that came from nowhere in the place that needs you most. It can be all right but you are going to need to laugh until your stomach hurts, get loud in more than what the hell illuminates and carry lots of tissues for the moments that are sometimes far worse than we want them to be. If you are going to do what I say then get ready for the fall because it’s the only way to welcome a different truth in a life that is so very heavell. It seems like yesterday but I have the feeling that tomorrow is going to be the kind of day where addiction can become a superpower that sometime warriors will use to rearrange everything but especially the strength of hell. I am going to just wait right here in my own weeds while you step or fall into the beauty of yours.