Although the weight of the world holds different meanings in each of our stories, understanding what pain feels like in our hearts is the connection that brings us together. How that hurt is expressed, though, is where we separate into our perspective groups. After all, pain is often felt and shared in manners that destroy rather than lift up; each of us have our way of doing so. While those detrimental ways have never been in the best interest of anyone, our judgement of what appears to be “f” moments in the coping of suffering only further feeds the very hell we seek to stop. In what way do you choose to express what your heart holds; whether an addict or not? How loud do you get when doing so? Is it really the way you should continue to go? As we are, we tend to see the effect of the hell in relation to ourselves rather than the cause of how it all came to be to begin with. The view of that outcome then prevents us from seeing anything other than what is just in front of us; a part rather than the whole. However in order to be certain of what is there, we must be able to listen to what is not easily seen nor said. For our matter of time we will cope in ways that we shouldn’t as we discover how to give voice to what our hearts carry; and until the power of the hell is changed. To be certain that it is possible, take the nothing that came from nowhere and turn it into something beautiful; also known as the understanding of the connection that pain holds for all of us. This is you and this is me in this so very heavell life where the sound of what hurts will always be loud until we turn around and find the cause. Oh hell, there’s going to be a lot of falling, stepping and walking in circles as we face new adversities with fear and courage; and some anger as well. I’m just going to wait right here for the facts and the opinions to be certain of how many boxes of tissues are going to be needed in order to go through. Unless, of course, you think we should go that way instead? To be certain though, we need help from our sometime warriors, the place that needs us most and others. The beauty that can be found in this world is never ever located in just one person, place, thing or view for it holds each of us and all that we are as the bringers of hell and the beholders of heaven. As individuals who are together and not together, we have to decide which one we will facilitate on the inside and the outside in any given moment.

It’s been a year since I have had the thought to reach out to one of my favorite artist, vocalist, and inspirational writer whose view of this life helps me to see what I am not always aware of. Tyler Jenkins, also known as MellowVibe, shared a new video of his music and words with me this week. Previously, I used his words “Take a walk in my shoes, tell me what you see as me” in a blog from a year ago. His words can be altered in this perfect moment to include “Tell me what you feel as me” as we work to understand the pain and the hell; whether an addict or not. Thank you @TylerJenkins for stepping as I was walking in circles. You are a reminder to never stop listening, seeing and feeling; even when it hurts.

From Tyler to all of us: Every day some new destruction. Every month some new discussion. Turn on the tv all I see is riots, looting, fighting, shooting, buildings burning. Kids are seein what we are doin. What are they learning?

I’m all for the cause. But I’m not about the effect. We need to come together. Get this pain off of all of our chests. We all want the same thing. For life to go back to the norm. But that can’t happen if we stay feeding the storm.

Their lives it wasn’t just a tragic loss. It was a wake up call to us all. How many more gotta fall? Tired of this I’m through with it all. But I can’t make you stop. I just hope you practice what you preach. Maybe one day we can all just live in peace.

Those words are what Tyler feels about the adversity found today but the real truth is that they are also a view into the understanding of the cause and effect of addiction; or any given hell for that matter. What is in the words that you say? To be certain, here’s to the hope that they hold the balance of the all that you are and will be; rather than what appears to be the nothing that came from nowhere.