What is your emotional definition of the word perfect? What do you believe others feel about it? The word holds the meaning that something, someone, a place or even the BLAH is flawless. The question, then, is how is the ultimate of the anything and or the everything decided; especially within ourselves? Each of us stands in an essential position on the circle of heavell; seeing, feeling and believing what is within our view. By sharing and hearing those perspectives, we can find understanding within each of us for all the other parts of our circles; both on the inside and the outside. We can also be aware that each perspective has the power to lift up and or destroy; separately and together. It is important that we speak and listen in order to discover, grow and solve; but equally important is not to replace our own worth with the value found at someone else’s position; or to be defined by a part of ourselves. Life can be more painful than anyone else can possibly perceive of; even if there are similar experiences. When a key view is hidden or even lost, a fracture will occur that weakens that place; as well as the whole circle. Based on the definition of perfect, anyone who falls, has “f” moments or BLAH can never ever be idyllic and yet sometime warriors are not created in heaven; or even in the appearance of it. What is in the words that you say to yourself; as well as to others? What do they mean to you? To them? There’s a place that you’ve got to go to in order to see what’s going on; its on the inside. As you are, you are the perfect person, the only you, who knows every single piece of yourself; but especially the ones lost or hidden in the shadows. As such, you are the most valuable part at your position on the circle of heavell; and we need you there telling us what you see and feel.

The problem with the concept of perfect, especially the one decided by others, is that it often doesn’t lift us up. Rather it encourages us to believe that only some are able to have and to hold it; even when it’s an illusion. The real truth is that perfection does not exist without flaws; just as heaven does not exist without hell. There will always be moments in which each of us will do or be or not the things we should or shouldn’t; in manners that are flawless as well as incorrect. If you hold on, no matter the time frame, you have done it perfectly for you in that period; but it may need to change in the next one. If you fall, be amazed at what it took to do that; because never ever has that been a simple thing to do to a sometime warrior. Find what you love about you, that moment or the BLAH and take the next daring, possibly imperfect, step. Just being so very heavell means that you will always be surrounded by a perfectly, irritatingly, messy, sometime warrior that has “f” moments; while being a dream and a nightmare. Wherever you go, it will all go with you because it’s how you came to be. So what? What if you were to look in the mirror and say “There you are!”; especially in the moments when you feel alone? What if you were to take courage by the hand and lead it to the place that you’ve got to go to; because you are the only who can? You have always been so much more than just a part so get loud in the all of you. Please stand by because the hope is that you will become the idyllic person for you; giving a voice to your little boxes of feelings. It only takes a moment to feed the hell; but it also requires just a moment to see the beauty no matter where you are. Its all right that you have forgotten who you are; hurt, trauma, fear, anger and the BLAH can cause that. As the beholder of an essential position, you are the perfect person to just be the heavell keeper of your life; loving, hating, accepting or changing every single part of you.